Title: Angel's Blood, Archangels Series Book Five
Author: Stephani Hecht
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Angels, Shapeshifters
Publication Date: November 2008
ISBN: 9778-1-55487-184-1
Length: 306 Pages
Format: eBook
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Survivor of Hell, part angel with incubus mixed in, Cam has walked a thin line to stay on the side of good. As an empath Angel Warrior, he hopes to make Lucifer regret his decision to start this civil war. The one thing he wants more than an end to the war is Amadeaha.
Niece to the leader of the Justice Angels, Amadeaha has never wanted anything more than to be mated for eternity to Cam. When a mission places her life in danger and she runs to Cam for help, perhaps He in his wisdom will make Cam understand that he's the only mate for her. Otherwise she might just have to take matters into her own hands.
I like the fact that the segues from one to the next are so smooth that nothing is lost and the continuance flows like honey. As each book enters the series I find myself getting to know the characters better and love watching them "grow" into themselves (that sounds odd, I know...).
There are old friends and new ones added and I'm amazed she keeps them straight so well. The sex never gets dull, the humor is always there and I'm really beginning to enjoy the entire series.
The Archangel Series
Angelic Desires, Appolion's Story
The Prequel to Angel Warriors
Book 1 - Angel Warriors -
Book 2 - Captive Angel
Book 3 - Rogue Angel
Book 4 - Hells Angel
Book 5 - Angel's Blood - This book!
Book 6 - Angelic Redemption - Coming soon!
Book 7 - Angel's Quest - Coming soon!
Book 8 - Heart of an Angel
Book 9 - Angel's Hope - Coming soon!
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REVIEW: Angel's Blood, Archangels Series Book 5 | Stephani Hecht | eXtasy Books.
Reviewed by WitchGiggles
11:52 am
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