Author: Stephani Hecht
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Series, Fantasy
Publication Date: March 2008
ISBN: 978-1-55487-040-0
Length: 280 Pages
Format: eBook
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Healer to Cam, Gabi has enjoyed being part of the Lehor family, but would much rather be mate to Abdiel. Only problem with that scenario is that he doesn't know she's alive and she doesn't have the courage
to tell him to open his eyes. Then he's suddenly in her house, leader of the new Angel Warrior team Michael has set into motion and things go from bad to worse. Her head may say she shouldn't care, but somehow her heart didn't get that memo.
Literally torn to pieces by his own family for not siding with Lucifer when the revolt in Heaven started, Abdiel has made a passionate practice of solitary existence. Then Michael, big boss of the Archangels decides he needs Abdiel to train and lead a group of angel warriors to protect the people of Earth from the devil demons who have orders to destroy indiscriminately. What he's not expecting is the empath with untold gifts and a healer who was there when his family did their best destructive work on him. Gabi has a mouth that makes him want more than he thinks he deserves.
I do like a book with the premise that maybe, just maybe when it comes to the battle of good and evil there might not be any straight line to follow in regard to who is what.The angels, demons and humans in this book run the gamut of angst, love, confusion, betrayal and vengeful retribution. The sex is steamy, the characters many and varied and the action fairly constant.
Sassy Note: Somehow I messed up and published these books out of order! So, here are the following links to the reviews that have been already published on AR:
The Archangel Series
Angelic Desires, Prequel to Angel Warriors, Appolion's Story
The Prequel to this series I posted yesterday.
Book 1 - Angel Warriors - This book.
Book 2 - Captive Angel
Book 3 - Rogue Angel
Book 4 - Hells Angel
Book 5 - Angel's Blood - Coming soon!
Book 6 - Angelic Redemption - Coming soon!
Book 7 - Angel's Quest - Coming soon!
Book 8 - Heart of an Angel
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REVIEW: Angel Warriors, Archangel Series Book 1 | Stephani Hecht | eXtasy Books
Reviewed by WitchGiggles
10:35 pm
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