Author: Stephani Hecht
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Website of Publisher: www.extasybooks.com
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Fantasy, Series
Publication date: July 2008
ISBN: 978-1-55487-099-8
Length: 261 Pages
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Payback is a b*tch and Ana has plans to have Appolion help her make hers a reality. Of course the fact that he's hotter than a pistol doesn't have anything to do with it- really. Of course having him on her side is much better than his being an enemy. Now all she has to do is get him on her side.
Appolion has hidden from all the angels after spending his life in Hell (literally), being tortured by his own father. The fact that he's supposed to be part of some elite Order of Four makes it even more imperative he stay out of the limelight. The fact that a certain female angel is stubborn as stone makes his life if not interesting, then at least unpredictable. Oh, and let's not forget the demons out to wipe him off the face of the Earth as well.
I wanna hang with these guys!! Angels, demons, hybrids, lust, love, family entanglements all combine under Ms. Hecht's fine hand to become a story I absolutely enjoyed. From the simple premise of Good versus Evil this series- and this book- explores possibilities that while fantasy to many have unique life applications as well. With a keen wit and subtle humor this is one that had me hooked from the first page.
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