Title: Ignoble: The Dark Ages Trilogy Episode I
Author: Sturmen Krieg
Website of Author: http://www.sturmenkrieg.com
Publisher: Cedar Hill Publishing
Website of Publisher: http://www.cedarhillpublishing.com
Genre: Action/Adventure/Thriller
Publication Date: First Edition Spring 2005
ISBN: 13: 978-1-933324-05-0
Length: 265 pages
Format: eBook
Reviewer: Lucille P Robinson, http://www.lucilleperkinsrobinson.com
[Don't forget to click on the 'live' title above for more info!]
Read the review for the 2nd in the trilogy, Malignance, here!
Captain Alexander Scott Richter, Team Bravo leader, stood in the general-purpose tent that had been erected to command daily air-ground operations in the western foothills of the Serrani'a del Darie'n Arc. His mission, "DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration] wants to bust Zorrilla's ass. Bring back a prisoner if you can, but try not to jeopardize your people." Thus, airborne in helicopters, Richter and his men set out for a group of islands in the Caribbean.
After brief skirmishes throughout the trip, Team Bravo only achieves partial success, without getting Zorrilla himself and losing Team Bravo in the process. Three members of TB returned to headquarters where Captain Richter learns his daughter Courtney is dead. Now he's off on a different mission and it's taking him to New Orleans, Louisiana, during the well-known Mardi Gras Festival.
Sturmen Krieg writes like the military man he was-detailed and precise. Ignoble is Book One in The Dark Ages trilogy. We are truly living in the Dark Ages when our men have to go fight against drug cartels to try to end the drug trafficking that is gaining momentum all over the world and infiltrating our families, tearing them apart, killing our children. Be on the lookout for Book Two-Malignance in which we will follow Captain Alexander Scott Richter to New Orleans in search of his daughter's killer.
Sturmen Krieg
Krieg is a retired US Army officer who served as an Intelligence Specialist for the US Army Security Agency (ASA), Korea, Germany, and the Continental United States (CONUS). He served as both an Infantry and Engineer Officer, and had the privilege to command the 256 BDE Engineer Company (Separate).
Krieg is a director of 18 stage plays and 5 television productions (QPTV, NYC). He executive produced both stage plays and TV productions via raising funds in support of these creative ventures. He garnered editing and rewrite experience as a director of both stage plays and local TV. He underwent actor/director training at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute in NYC and at the Herbert Berghoff (HB) Studios, also in NYC.
A Ph.D., Krieg teaches for Corinthian Colleges, Inc. / Florida Metropolitan University (FMU) / Everest & Wyotech Online, February 2006 to present: teaching Computer Applications, Computer Networking and Systems Analysis & Design. Krieg is married and has one child.
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