Title: Bloodstone
Author: Nate Kenyon
Publisher: Dorchester Publishing
Publish Date: May 2008
ISBN: 9780843960204
Genre: Horror Length: 352 pages
Format: Print
Reviewer: Sassy Brit
Death is given a new lease of life!
Jeboriah Taylor finds something in his late father's suitcase, of which his 'Gramma', Ruth, warns him to destroy in fear that her grandson will go down the same murderous road his father did. But is it too late to save the soul of the son of such an evil, possessed maniac?
Billy Smith kidnaps a girl due to the voices in his head. Kidnapper and victim both have secrets and as their journey unfolds the two come to understand each other better and soon understand there is a reason they were brought together.
Something not living is sucking the life out of the sleepy village of White Falls in order to grow, survive and manifest into a hideousness beyond their wildest dreams. Dreams of ancient secrets which sweep across the neighbourhood causing evil in the form of madness and a damned hellishly good read!
It has been said before, but I have to mention it again, this reads very much like a Stephen King novel, but with the welcomed breath of putrid, choking air and neck prickling horror, not seen this side of hell in a long time.
Bloodstone a cast of many deep, three dimensional characters, a mysterious necklace that holds some serious mind altering power and a plot to literally die for. I think we will be hearing a lot more from Nate Kenyon. Like the evil 'rage' disease in the UK genre film 28 Days, the infection cannot be stopped, until the spread of madness threatens to relieve humanity and life as mankind knows it. Forever. A fast-paced must read, spine tingler.
REVIEW: Bloodstone, by Nate Kenyon - Dorchester Publishing
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
8:31 am
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