REVIEW: Starlight Rapture, Starlight series book 2 by Astrid Cooper from eXtasy Books -

REVIEW: Starlight Rapture, Starlight series book 2 by Astrid Cooper from eXtasy Books

Title: Starlight Rapture, Starlight series book 2
Author: Astrid Cooper
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Website of Publisher:
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Futuristic,
Menage a trois, Shapeshifter
Publication date: March 2008
Rating: 4 Flames
ISBN: 978-1-55487-026-4
Length: 80 Pages
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles

Sam is introduced to the atmosphere at Rendezvous when John takes her there to teach her about holo dancing. It is there that John begins the nest step in his felinus seduction—to take it a level at a time and give her his all. They have passed through ecstasy and must survive rapture…if there is time. A starlord, the last and a renegade of his kind, is determined to have Samantha and cost in lives is NOT an issue.

This is proving to be an intriguing series, but for me the continuations aren't being written fast enough. Ms. Cooper is proving most adept at knowing the exact point to stop these little shorts to ensure I'm going to come back to find out what happens. The lovemaking in this series is phenomenal.

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REVIEW: Starlight Rapture, Starlight series book 2 by Astrid Cooper from eXtasy Books REVIEW: Starlight Rapture, Starlight series book 2 by Astrid Cooper from eXtasy Books Reviewed by WitchGiggles on 7:53 am Rating: 5

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