Publisher: eXtasy Books
Website of Publisher:
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy Games, Shapeshifter, Romance, Futuristic
Publication date:
ISBN: Unassigned
Length: 34 Pages
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Thirty-eight-year-old widow Samantha Sinclair was going to enjoy the sensualator her friends had set her up with for Christmas. She just didn't expect to enjoy him-it quite as much as she did, or not want it to end.
Known as Kuno when being the sensualator and Jonathan Lucas when he "farms" pearls, John/Kuno has given Sam a night to remember and is planning a day as well.
Ohhhh, I need one of these! This is how I like my reading—full of romance. Even though there's plenty of sex, the focus is more on the emotional side of it than the physical (and there's lots of physical!). Seriously, I like the fact that it's more about the exploration of the growth of two becoming one.
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