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WORDLESS | What's On Your Desk Wed | Clayton Bye
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
9:36 am

Clayton - is that a laptop design or a sticky add on cover? It's brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a desk and not the kitchon tabel...
Hi Marlis,
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Thanks for popping by here, too :)
Kitchen table's not so bad! Plenty of space I bet.
Cool design.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes it is!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment - Secret Mom :)
Is that some kind of bookcover on the laptop..cool
ReplyDeleteI know, Blodeuedd, I'm dying to find out where Clayton got it!
ReplyDeleteHope your non-single life is treating you well! :)
Very interesting shot!
I agree, cool laptop! Great pic.
ReplyDeleteNatalie :0)
Sorry I took so long to reply:
ReplyDeleteThe computer laptop design...
They're called GelaSkins. My wife bought me this one for Father's day. You just stick them on (they have an adhesive that allows you to remove them). While she bought locally, they're available on the internet.
The skins also come in smaller sizes for other electronics, like I-pods.
Point of interest. Every book on my GelaSkin has a spoofed title. It's the perfect way to procrastinate!
I'm definitely going to look into a GelaSkin - thanks Clayton!
ReplyDeleteI collect bookish things and designs, so this is right up my bookish alley :)
I should imagine it protects gadgets too, even if only in a small way.