Title: The Grace of God
Author: Sam Cross
Publisher: Damnation Books
Format eBook:
ISBN: 9781615721337
Format: Print
ISBN: 9781615721344
Length: 59972 words
Genre: Thriller
Sub Genre: Horror
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Reviewer: Clayton Bye
“There but for the grace of God go I” repeated Lewis Cade’s mother. And so he learned to thank God every night for his life, for his place in the world. He grew older, became a Police Detective, married a beautiful woman who loved him and gave him a beautiful son. Everything was perfect.
Then came the accident—the one that killed his wife and son. And the trial, where he spent every dime he had only to watch the killer go free.
And now, after 6 months of insane grief, all Lewis Cade wants is to be left alone, because that is all he is now: by himself. Yet, slowly but surely, the girl from upstairs, Jenny, who is beaten most days by her drunkard father, manages to get under his skin. She plays the violin beautifully, like his deceased wife. And Lewis has taken to buying sheet music for the girl and leaving his apartment window unlocked, so she can come down the fire escape and into his home to practice.
However, Lewis Cade is about to find out that his mother’s saying goes much deeper and that one’s entire life can become nothing more than a single question. It starts when he’s proclaimed a hero for saving a hostage on the subway by shooting the man who was using him as a human shield (He also took out the fellow’s partner as they were robbing the riders of the train.). But Lewis doesn’t know this—even when he begins to get strange phone calls. It isn’t until things turn much darker that Lewis realizes he’s captured the attention of a very dangerous man.
Jack Raye has been a victim all his life. But when he feels the splatter of blood and brains when Lewis Cade shoots the man holding him hostage, something breaks free. He sees Lewis as someone who can do anything he wants because of the power of his badge, and he understands in a kind of revelation that there’s a way for him to acquire that kind of power.
Two men on a collision course. What will be the question and answer of their lives, and how many will die as they hurtle toward their twisted destiny?
Wow, what a thriller. I haven’t felt this uncomfortable in a long, long, time. Sam Cross has written a horrifying runaway that grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go until the last page is turned.
I discovered Sam Cross a few months ago. This is the third and newest of his books that I’ve read, each one better than the last. There’s no reason this author shouldn’t be on the best seller lists: his writing is that unique, that good. I hope a big publisher is listening.
Copyright © Clayton Clifford Bye
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REVIEW: The Grace of God | Sam Cross | Damnation Books |
Reviewed by Clayton Bye
2:02 pm

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