A little bit of snow and everything grinds to a standstill... - Alternative-Read.com

A little bit of snow and everything grinds to a standstill...

I do apologise for disappearing! We had snow here. Blizzards, in fact. My mother said we should expect about 8 inches of the white stuff, which sounded rather like an exaggeration. It wasn't far wrong.

Now I love the snow, and my face just lights up, like a big kid, when I see it's been snowing (so close to Christmas - for once!) I have to be the first one tell the whole family to look out the window! LOL

But it always causes problems. Doesn't it? Our problems increased with a powercut, which started early yesterday evening and continued until today - only a few mins ago. So, I'm going to post this quickly and then post our next giveaway, which I would have promoted earlier had I some electricity. But I had to tell you this. We have warnings that this may all be repeated. So just in case - at least you'll all know what's up.

It's funny, I really enjoyed last night. Playing cards in the candlelight. We even broke open the Christmas chocolates LOL (I've been keeping the family off them, because once opened they'll vanish before Christmas has even arrived!)

Last night reminded me of when I was little, powercuts that lasted for ages where frequent and lots of fun. Kids don't worry about the food in the freezer being spoiled, or the money that is going to be wasted when the groceries get dropped off and we don't have anywhere to put any of  it - with no working fridge, freezer. Or if the grocery van couldn't make the delivery, then when wouldn't have any food. Not that we could cook, without power. And then there's the Christmas presents that are due to arrive in the post at this busy time of year, through the snow...

My teenage son's school closed down for the day. So, he suddenly went into "I'm bored" mode. I spent the time with him out with the dogs in the snow, down the local (white) green. It had a lovely atmosphere there. Lots of kids and dogs playing in the snow. Snowball fights, and sledges. When we got back it was time to dig out and dust down some more board games. Without the PS3 he was stuck. Gone are the days where he'd just go and read a book. Which is such a shame. I could quite happily go off and read several books back to back, but it's just not possible when there is so much needs to be done - all because we have no electricity. Plus reading by candlelight in the evening, is just so hard. I don't have the patience. All that flickering does my eyes in!

The worse thing for me was that it was SO cold! We take heat for granted. I got to the stage where I was dressed for outdoors and lighting candles just to take the chill off the room. How very Dickens! :) If I could have stayed in bed until the heating came back on, I would have done. Even now, the house hasn't had time to warm up  yet, and I'm finding it difficult to type - my fingers are so cold!

You know what I missed the most? A hot cup of tea. When our power came back on, it was the first thing I did - put the kettle on. Not the washing machine, or the vacuum cleaner, but the kettle. What does that tell you about the British, apart from everything falls by the wayside and we are useless when it snows? :)

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A little bit of snow and everything grinds to a standstill... A little bit of snow and everything grinds to a standstill... Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 1:54 pm Rating: 5


  1. Lol, lovely post.
    I fear we do not fall apart, we are used to snow, cold, powercuts, you name it. No excuse for not going to school even if there is a blizzard outside, snow to my knees and -30c. but then we do live in Finland ;)

  2. LOL would you believe I just updated the blog with this post and the giveaway post, and the sidebars, and we had another powercut! Literally as I had just finished.

  3. The powercut thing is what I fear most about this weather. I live in the Netherlands and we had a lot of snow and ice here too the past couple of days. I love the view and it's great to be outside as long as you don't have to drive. And us Dutchies love to skate on ice, so this is great holiday weather. But please please please let there be no powercut :)!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :)

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