He has been interviewed by Natalie at The Book Inn, Blazing Minds, and had his books reviewed on Everything To Do With Books, Book Visions, Layers of Thought, and Merry Weather Book Blog, to name but a few.
Thanks so much, William, for sharing us a slice of your world!
If you would like to take part and have your desk/workspace/TBR shelves etc featured here, you can just email Sassy dot Brit @ gmail dot com with a picture of your desk. Head your email DESK PICTURE.
If you have a blog you might also like to play along and participate in the following meme:
What's on Your Desk Wednesday?
Below are the details (copy & paste) of how to play;

What's on your desk Wednesday? is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Sassy Brit of Alternative-Read.com . Check her blog out each Wednesday for the post titled What's on your desk Wednesday?
You can do one of two things or both!
- Grab a camera and take a photo of your desk! Or anywhere you stack your books/TBR pile. And no tidying! Add this photo to your blog.Tag at least 5 people! Come back here and leave a link back to your photo in comments.
- List at least 5 BOOKISH things on your desk (I'm thinking your TBR pile or books you haven't shelved...) List at least 5 NON BOOK things. (I'm thinking some of some of the more unusual items on your desk/table?) Tag at least 5 people to do the same. Come back here and leave your link, so we can come and visit your blog. Or add your answers in the comments if you don't have a blog.
Feel free to grab the above picture to place on your site - as a way of showing you are participating, and of course to spread the word! Have fun!
you everyone for taking the time to come here and comment. It's truly
appreciated. I aim to get back to everyone as soon as possible.
Alternative-Read.com: The "Inside Story" by Sassy Brit and her Gang!
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What's On Your Desk Wednesday? Check out this author's workspace!
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
12:42 pm

My desk probably would have looked cooler with a Jameson on the rocks sitting there instead of my ice water, oh well, I am what I am. LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post.