Title: Gypsy Nights
Author: Mandy M. Roth
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Erotica/Paranormal Fantasy
Publication date: SEP 2009
ISBN: 9781419922459
Length: 76 pages/Novella
Format: eBook
Reviewer: Clayton Clifford Bye
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Gypsy Nights is a short Novella featuring three types of paranormals: the Romani or Gypsies, who are human witches; Mullo’s, who are vampires inhabited by demons; and lycanthropes (werewolves). There are also various combinations of these creatures.
Sebastian Rolle is a powerful vampire who fights against his own kind in their war against the Romani. When he rescues a dying Gypsy after a slaughter of her kind, he’s shocked to discover a continued, specific hunt is being carried out for the woman. Sebastion then finds himself charged with delivering the witch’s child, ensuring its safety and fulfilling a prophecy. “You will be the one for her. It has been foreseen,” claims the witch. Sebastian does what he must, then leaves the newborn girl with her own people.
Little does Sebastion know that the Romani tribe will flee that very night. Nor does he understand that the Council is involved. A group of individuals both vampiric and magical in their powers, who oversee all paranormals, the Council has its own reasons for keeping Sebastion away from the babe. All he’s left with are the haunting words of the dead witch.
Fast forward. The girl, Gitana, is 29 years old, divorced, a witch in her own right and the owner of an herbal shop. And Sebastian has finally found her. Unbeknownst to them, their instant attraction to each other brings to a head events which began the night Gitana was born and have continued to this very day.
Read Gypsy Nights to discover what will happen next.
In Gypsy Nights Mandy M. Roth provides a quick, enjoyable and erotic read with a complete storyline. In fact, the piece is complex enough I found myself asking why the author didn’t create a full-length novel. You see, the prologue throws a lot of background at the reader, and there are many places the story could go but doesn’t. I finished the book wanting more, wanting to experience those additional developments. Was this author oversight? Was Roth just interested in her story as a fancy hanger for the heated sex scenes? I doubt it; the book didn’t read that way. So, rather than make any assumptions, I decided to go directly to the source...
Here’s how Roth answered my questions: “Prior to writing Gypsy Nights, I'd only ever done full length (100K) first person urban fantasy. I really wanted to try third person and I really wanted to try to give the reader a full story in novella format. I set the goal and then made it a reality. To me, it was about attempting to pack a punch with certain restrictions. It opened an entire new door of writing for me...”
I would have to say Roth met the challenge she set for herself. There was plenty of story for the size of Gypsy Nights, as well as a whole lot of heat. Perhaps the reason I wanted more is because I’m not used to receiving this kind of “punch” from such a petite package. Well done!
Copyright © Clayton Clifford Bye 2009
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Gypsy Nights by Mandy M. Roth
Reviewed by Clayton Bye
3:34 pm

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