I'm pleased to announce that Saturday 12th December 2009 is an ALL DAY BOOK PARTY chat day with the authors of SWING! Adventures in swinging by Today's Top Erotica Writers.
Authors confirmed so far are:
Jolie du Pre
Jeremy Edwards
Jeremy Edwards
Sage Vivant
M. Millswann
TreSart L Sioux
Sage Vivant
Keeb Knight
Tawanna Sullivan
Beth Wylde
And the publishers Jim and Zetta Brown
Tawanna Sullivan
Beth Wylde
And the publishers Jim and Zetta Brown
Prizes confirmed so far:
eBook downloads
Mouse pad
For a chance to win one of these prizes please leave a comment here to say you will attend and on the day of the chat email the AR Yahoo group with a question to ask the authors. This gives you 5 extra entries into this competition.
The only other requirement is that you must be 18+ years of age to join in.
Any further updates will be added here.
Good luck and see you then, if not before! It's going to be a fun day, I can't wait!
Click here for the full AR Events and book party listings.
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BOOK PARTY CHAT DAY with PRIZES: With Authors of "SWING" Anthology RSVP HERE
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
10:45 am

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