Title: Binding Lena
Author: Bonnie Rose Leigh
Website of Author:
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Website of Publisher: www.eXtasybooks.com
Genre: BDSM/Fantasy Games
Publication date:
Rating: 4 Flames
ISBN: Unassigned
Length: 30 Pages
Format: e-book
Lena dreams of a Master who will claim her completely. When she wakes with the dream still gripping her body she takes longer getting ready than usual. A flat tire on the way to work insures she will be late for the mandatory meeting. Now she will loose her job as the new boss calls her into his office to fire her. But there is something about that voice and when he offers her another position she has no willpower to refuse.
This is a very erotic story but mostly in fantasy. I for one would rather have had less fantasy and more of their real time together, her two week trial period. The real interaction surely would be more dramatic. It was still a very moving story and Master went to a lot of lengths to capture his pet.
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