Author: Bronwyn Green
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com/
Genre: Paranormal
Publication date: January 2008
Rating: S-ensuous
ISBN: 9781419914638
Length: Short Novel
Format: e-book
Becca Hamilton is a bridesmaid at her brother's wedding when she first meets Jack Duritz. Two years later they meet again, only this time Jack is hauling her away in handcuffs. She knows far more than she should about a series of murders. Becca claims she is having visions in real time, as the murders are actually taking place, but Jack doesn't believe her. She is driven to the police station for questioning.
Jack Duritz is responsible for putting Becca's brother in jail. He was undercover at that wedding where he and Becca first met, and now that she's a suspect in the gruesome murders occurring in the city, he can't help but recall her background. If she isn't involved, how else can she know so much about these homicides? Then, the night comes when he discovers, with absolute certainty, that she couldn't have been involved…
What happens when a die-hard skeptic and a flaky psychic are attracted to each other, in the worst possible way? Strong words, irritation, and fantastic sex are the order of the day. Add to that a killer who is out to steal Becca's psychic power, and you have all the makings for tingling suspense. I found this a great read with a light thread of humor throughout. In this tale, the woman is always right. It's enough to make a story worth reading again…and again.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~WitchGiggles Alternative-Read.com
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