Title: Del Fantasma: A Slow Fuzzy Screw
Author: Sharon Maria Bidwell
Website of Author: http://www.sharonbidwell.co.uk/
Publisher: Aspen Mountain Press
Website of Publisher: www.aspenmountainpress.com/
Genre: Contemporary/Paranormal
Publication date: September 2007
Rating: Erotic
ISBN: 978-1-60168-058-7
Length: 57 Pages
Format: e-book
Shayne is human and looking for the right partner. He's tired of
choosing one only to discover he's picked another loser and abuser. A big paranormal buff, he's come more than half way across the country to see if the Del Fantasma can work it's magic on him.
Leon, a lion shape-shifter is seeking a companion to ease the loneliness between the matings of his kind. Consumed by guilt over happenings while captured as a young man, he's beginning to think Cody has lost his mind. But hey, he'll try the flavor.
Can a human looking for the perfect mate and a shape-shifter full of guilt truly make a pairing of it? There is tenderness, fantastic sex and scenes that show just to what lengths people will go to try to protect others from themselves. Good reading and great fun.
About the Author:
When people ask me to explain my work, only one word springs to mind: Diverse. I've written fact and fiction in almost any genre. So far, I've been extremely lucky in that I have had the opportunity to do this, but I've also, often, had the pleasure of crossing genres. Thus, crime, horror, fantasy, action, adventure, fairy tales, gothic, erotica, romance, and slipstream, are themes I've use in any combination.
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