Since that time, things have changed. Now you can't swing a stick without hitting some new event that purports to be teaching you how to survive in the changing climate that's enveloping every form of creative art. Some of them are even run by people who know what they're talking about.
So as the DIY Convention enters its eighth year, we've stepped back and taken a fresh look at what we should offer. And we've decided that rooms full of panels and panelists aren't really needed anymore by our friends and supporting artists.
Ergo, this year's DIY Convention is taking a different turn. We're offering a chance to get to know you in a relaxed setting with people that actually know what it's like to take a project to the next level. You'll share a drink, a meal, a laugh and present a showcase or screening in front of people that matter. And you'll really get some solid advice on your next steps in a comfortable, one-on-one way.
The catch? You can't buy a ticket to this event. Instead, we're taking the most promising entrants from the DIY Music, DIY Film Festival and DIY Book Festival and selecting them for an intimate series of salons and dinners and receptions with our industry friends. We'll take the
time to answer your questions, bounce some ideas around, listen or watch or read what you're working on now.
On the music side, the 2008 DIY Convention again offers its music festival participants a showcase opportunity in front of some of the nation's top music supervisors and publishers, co-sponsored by Bug/Windswept, the largest independent publisher in North America and
holder of over 250,000 copyrights. We'll also have an industry friends dinner where you can get to know some people who will help you along the way.
On the film side, we'll offer a chance to sit down over dinner with our select panel of producers, directors and distributors, followed by a screening of the our top DIY Film Festival selections for this year. We'll also have a special larger public screening of the top selections from the festival with a private reception.
On the book side, a special salon on the publishing industry will offer an invitation-only focus for DIY Book Festival winners, giving them a chance to talk to publishers and agents and fellow authors and find out what the next steps are in marketing. And we'll have a special reception honoring our 2007 DIY Book Festival winners.
We hope that you will enjoy this unique opportunity to actually meet with people who can help you make a difference. And, if you'd rather sit in a huge auditorium with a wide range of people who have differing agendas, we're sure you can find something suitable.
IF YOU'D LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED for the special attention of the 2008 DIY Convention, simply enter the DIY Music Festival or DIY Film Festival at Or you can enter through (film) or (music), both offering discounts on the submission price.
Deadline for entry to both festivals is January 25, 2008. Those chosen to participate will be notified shortly after. QUESTIONS? E-mail us at
Sassy Brit
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