Silenced Cry: an outstanding crime mystery, November 13, 2007 Reviewed by Aaron Paul Lazar Author of LeGarde Mystery Series
(Upstate, New York)
Heads up, mystery lovers. There's a new crime writer in town, and her name is Marta Stephens.
Stephens' debut novel, Silenced Cry, is supremely addictive, propelling readers into the action from page one and corkscrewing through a wild ride of corruption, abuse, and villainy.
Stephens writes with a consummate skill. She's serious about her
craft, and it shows. Tight suspense, perfectly chosen verbs, natural and innovative beats, and authentic dialog propel this work to a level far beyond those works commonly found on the best sellers list. Stephens' writing soars with focused intensity and her characters are real - they hurt, they fall in love, they suffer angst and explode with anger.
Stephen's second book in the Sam Harper series promises thrills and intrigue matched only by Silenced Cry. This reviewer will be first in line for his much-anticipated copy.
To read the complete review written by Mr. Lazar, please visit my
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