413. Alternative INTERVIEW: Interview with Phil Harris, co-author of Waking God - Alternative-Read.com

413. Alternative INTERVIEW: Interview with Phil Harris, co-author of Waking God

Interview with Phil Harris, co-author of Waking God

Conducted by Katrina Stiles, Alternative-Read.com Reviewer

KS: What made you decide to write the book Waking God? Was it your idea originally or was it something that you and Brian Doe both came up with?

PH: The idea for the book was mine but Brian came up with the title. When he did we both said, "YES!" We intuitively knew that the title was going to take us, and hopefully the reader on a journey, one that we are still on as we work on the next book in the series. The genesis of the book extends back to my childhood. I was raised as a northern Baptist until the age of around 12. In the book, Andrew talks about a childhood incident when a priest would not let one of his friend's attend a craft club because it was being held in the basement of a Baptist church. This is a true story that happened to me. I was very turned off to the Catholic religion at that point. I also noticed that the pews were always full around the holidays but a little sparse most of the time, especially in the summer. This added fuel to my spiritual fire and I began to notice the general hypocrisy of most people who attended church. Truthfully, in my early teens I began to read books on philosophy and purposely sought out religious debate with anyone willing to argue, or discuss. I found most people with a religious back round liked to argue. The whole notion of a wrathful, all powerful god that sought worship just made no sense. If IT knew we were going to screw up, why bother. If there really was EVIL, then IT must have created it. It just made no sense. Add to that the billions of dollars controlled by churches and their lack of action in dealing with things like genocide and other major world issues and you have a skeptic in the making. The whole 9/11 thing and the religious backlash kind of made the timing for the book right. Read the full interview here...

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413. Alternative INTERVIEW: Interview with Phil Harris, co-author of Waking God 413. Alternative INTERVIEW: Interview with Phil Harris, co-author of Waking God Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 7:01 am Rating: 5

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