414. Alternative MAVENS: Letter from Paddled Hard in Portland - Alternative-Read.com

414. Alternative MAVENS: Letter from Paddled Hard in Portland

Dear Spanking Mavens,

Why are men so unreasonable? Well, mine is anyway. OK, mostly he isn't, except when it comes to punishment spankings. I mean, I started seeing him in the first place cause he's such a good spanker and respects my limits, and he really knows how to warm me up in more ways than one, but I like being over his lap when he spanks me, and that’s the problem.

He says when I've been really bad, like I spend too much on clothes or shoes or whatever...READ MORE HERE! X rated content.

Got a spanking new problem? Write to Angelika.Devlyn(@)googlemail.com without the brackets and she'll forward your query onto the professor. Although, after reading their latest post, it might be a while before she's able to sit down in front of her computer! LOL


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414. Alternative MAVENS: Letter from Paddled Hard in Portland 414. Alternative MAVENS: Letter from Paddled Hard in Portland Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 9:44 am Rating: 5

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