Title: Bury That Sucka!
Author: H Lewis Smith
Author's Website: http://www.burythatsucka.com
Publisher: Publish America
Publisher's Website: http://www.publishamerica.com
Genre: Non-Fiction / Spiritual
Publication date: August 2005
ISBN: 1-4137-9269-3
Length: 175 pages
Format: Paperback

Bury That Sucka! The Scandalous Affair with the N-word ~ H Lewis Smith ~Publish America ~ Genre
Overcome oppression by overcoming an oppressed state of mind!
The premise of Bury That Sucka is to inform some of the African American community to stop embracing the N-word (nigger) and to 'bury it' along with the negative, destructive power it holds. Strangely, having a four-hundred year old history surrounding it, the N-word appears to be something some African Americans will not let go of, yet it is remains taboo for any non-black people to use this word.
H Lewis Smith suggests that by referring to one another as niggers the black American community are in fact unknowingly debasing and victimising themselves, NOT keeping their heritage alive, as some may think.
In order to combat problems of racial discrimination, abuse and prejudice, which will never truly disappear, H Lewis Smith reflects on how we can achieve a better understanding of the detrimental effect the casual use of this word is having on both the individual and society as a whole.
To show the biased nature of some humans, whether intentionally cruel or unconsciously subtle, chapter one opens with a short history lesson, reflecting on American History which you will not find being taught in schools, or broadcast by the media in mainstream America.
Scattered throughout the book are thought provoking quotes from famous people, and meaningful snippets of the author’s life to illustrate our behaviour, the mind conditioning involved and how we can overcome the shackles of the 'N' word.
This theme continues throughout the book, but with the emphasis on change and self-fulfilment; gaining control over your own destiny, and the way you act and respond to predominate thoughts and attitudes- your own and of others.
The last chapter uses the premise that the N-word is a state of mind. H Lewis Smith teaches us how to focus and strive for an 'autonomous state of mind' with positive thinking and spiritual guidance.
As the book draws to a close, there is an upbeat obituary where the N-word is finally put to rest, followed by an acknowledgement to the African American community and useful notes and sources for further reading.
By the author’s own admission he warns us;
Because of this, I was not sure what to expect, however, I am glad I chose to review it as it made an interesting and intellectual read about issues of great importance whatever colour your skin is. It's full of valid, eye-opening reasons to change the way people think about the use of the 'N' word and the harmful effect is has on the whole world, not just the black American population. It is for this reason I think everyone should give this book a chance, whether a black American or not. I do feel that society has gone too far with being PC in some cases, whereas manners and human kindness can still go a long way, in my book.
Maybe the unnecessary use of the N-word is an example of how history is now further depreciating the significance of the valiant struggle and suffering black Americans endured over the years for freedom and equality. I'd hate to think this word is transforming into a new word with a new connotation. If I remember rightly, even Jennifer Lopez got into trouble for using it in one of her songs, and so I agree with the author, the 'N' word needs to be buried, and fast!
To sum up Bury That Sucka! A Scandalous Love Affair with the N-Word, is written in a sympathetic, spiritual and straightforward way, which shows that the author has the ability to point out what is needed without prevarication or insulting anyone. For each idea put forward there is an appropriate, well thought out answer for you to ponder over. If you enjoy reading empowering books with educated discussions, then this one is for you!
What the author, H Lewis Smith, has to say about himself:
I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio. Upon graduating from high school I enlisted into the Air Force and after getting an Honorable Discharge took up residence in the Los Angeles metropolitan area; where I still presently reside.
My background involves close to thirty years of metaphysical studies and to this very day is an on-going endeavor. The learning from such studies I attribute to helping me get over a particular hurdle that I encountered little over twenty years ago. It was then, when the doctor diagnosed me as being in the early stages of cancer. In his opinion I could either have surgery or go on a medication that once started I would have to take for the rest of my life. I decided to neither but instead elected to put my fate in the hands of a higher power.
Since that epochal moment in my "life" life's journey has taken me down the road towards spiritual healing, mysticism and development of psychic abilities. Concurrently, evolving into a Mystic, Spiritual Healer and Psychic (clairsentient). Formal education includes attending Cal State College Los Angeles. My decision to write this book is based upon my expanded awareness of life and the obligation I feel that I have to share this awareness with my fellowman
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Book Reviews,
Author: H Lewis Smith
Author's Website: http://www.burythatsucka.com
Publisher: Publish America
Publisher's Website: http://www.publishamerica.com
Genre: Non-Fiction / Spiritual
Publication date: August 2005
ISBN: 1-4137-9269-3
Length: 175 pages
Format: Paperback

Bury That Sucka! The Scandalous Affair with the N-word ~ H Lewis Smith ~Publish America ~ Genre
Overcome oppression by overcoming an oppressed state of mind!
The premise of Bury That Sucka is to inform some of the African American community to stop embracing the N-word (nigger) and to 'bury it' along with the negative, destructive power it holds. Strangely, having a four-hundred year old history surrounding it, the N-word appears to be something some African Americans will not let go of, yet it is remains taboo for any non-black people to use this word.
H Lewis Smith suggests that by referring to one another as niggers the black American community are in fact unknowingly debasing and victimising themselves, NOT keeping their heritage alive, as some may think.
In order to combat problems of racial discrimination, abuse and prejudice, which will never truly disappear, H Lewis Smith reflects on how we can achieve a better understanding of the detrimental effect the casual use of this word is having on both the individual and society as a whole.
To show the biased nature of some humans, whether intentionally cruel or unconsciously subtle, chapter one opens with a short history lesson, reflecting on American History which you will not find being taught in schools, or broadcast by the media in mainstream America.
Scattered throughout the book are thought provoking quotes from famous people, and meaningful snippets of the author’s life to illustrate our behaviour, the mind conditioning involved and how we can overcome the shackles of the 'N' word.
This theme continues throughout the book, but with the emphasis on change and self-fulfilment; gaining control over your own destiny, and the way you act and respond to predominate thoughts and attitudes- your own and of others.
The last chapter uses the premise that the N-word is a state of mind. H Lewis Smith teaches us how to focus and strive for an 'autonomous state of mind' with positive thinking and spiritual guidance.
As the book draws to a close, there is an upbeat obituary where the N-word is finally put to rest, followed by an acknowledgement to the African American community and useful notes and sources for further reading.
By the author’s own admission he warns us;
"There is little that is tactful, diplomatic or politically correct about the contents of this book. But its representation is honest, factual, blunt, candid and truthful – and the truth isn't always a welcome guest".
Because of this, I was not sure what to expect, however, I am glad I chose to review it as it made an interesting and intellectual read about issues of great importance whatever colour your skin is. It's full of valid, eye-opening reasons to change the way people think about the use of the 'N' word and the harmful effect is has on the whole world, not just the black American population. It is for this reason I think everyone should give this book a chance, whether a black American or not. I do feel that society has gone too far with being PC in some cases, whereas manners and human kindness can still go a long way, in my book.
Maybe the unnecessary use of the N-word is an example of how history is now further depreciating the significance of the valiant struggle and suffering black Americans endured over the years for freedom and equality. I'd hate to think this word is transforming into a new word with a new connotation. If I remember rightly, even Jennifer Lopez got into trouble for using it in one of her songs, and so I agree with the author, the 'N' word needs to be buried, and fast!
To sum up Bury That Sucka! A Scandalous Love Affair with the N-Word, is written in a sympathetic, spiritual and straightforward way, which shows that the author has the ability to point out what is needed without prevarication or insulting anyone. For each idea put forward there is an appropriate, well thought out answer for you to ponder over. If you enjoy reading empowering books with educated discussions, then this one is for you!
What the author, H Lewis Smith, has to say about himself:
I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio. Upon graduating from high school I enlisted into the Air Force and after getting an Honorable Discharge took up residence in the Los Angeles metropolitan area; where I still presently reside.
My background involves close to thirty years of metaphysical studies and to this very day is an on-going endeavor. The learning from such studies I attribute to helping me get over a particular hurdle that I encountered little over twenty years ago. It was then, when the doctor diagnosed me as being in the early stages of cancer. In his opinion I could either have surgery or go on a medication that once started I would have to take for the rest of my life. I decided to neither but instead elected to put my fate in the hands of a higher power.
Since that epochal moment in my "life" life's journey has taken me down the road towards spiritual healing, mysticism and development of psychic abilities. Concurrently, evolving into a Mystic, Spiritual Healer and Psychic (clairsentient). Formal education includes attending Cal State College Los Angeles. My decision to write this book is based upon my expanded awareness of life and the obligation I feel that I have to share this awareness with my fellowman
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Book Reviews,
177. Alternative READ: Bury That Sucka! The Scandalous Affair with the N-word ~ H Lewis Smith
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
1:43 pm
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