Reviewer: Lucille P Robinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Link to book on and Amazon UK
Kameron McBride receives a letter from a court in Oregon saying she has been appointed the executor of Salvador Vasco's estate. She decides, with much prompting from her mom and best friend Sue, to go.
After arriving in Oregon, the frustration of getting lost in the near-desert territory is offset by meeting a tall, dark and handsome Deputy Mitch whose very arrival at the spot runs would-be attackers away. This was just a beginning. Before long, Kam finds herself in the middle of a seven year old murder with danger lurking behind her throughout her brief stay in Rosewood. Mitch becomes her protector only to be gone when the real danger appears.
Marva Dasef's Missing, Assumed Dead is a short book at 127 pages, but it is packed with excitement and raw nerve. Each event follows the previous one with logical precision. The story reads fast just the way I like them to do.
The heroine, Kameron McBride, is a daring woman, and, despite her claims to the contrary, she cannot take care of herself. Enter the hero: brave, courageous, and handsome Mitch Caldwell. Both characters are well-rounded people and still just a normal woman and man. Believable? Yes. The setting is exciting for me with my love of old western movies and the novels written by Zane Grey. These I grew up on and Mitch reminds me of the heroes portrayed in these. And the touch of romance always adds a sweet touch.
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About the Author
Marva Dasef lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and a fat white cat. Marva has published more than forty stories in a number of on-line and print magazines, with her stories included in several Best of anthologies. She has seven published books with three more scheduled for release in 2011 and 2012 through MuseItUp Publishing.
REVIEW: Missing, Assumed dead | Marva Dasef | MuseItUp Publishing
Reviewed by Anonymous
3:37 pm