By Amy Romine Affiliate Author
Tonight, I hung up my work issued blackberry, sighed and walked to the pantry. I pulled out the three-quarter of the way full bottle of Khalua and put it on the counter. My husband happened to walk into the kitchen at the same moment an looked over me, brow arched in surprise. “Really?”
I smile, turn to the fridge and open the door. I curse seeing no milk and then sigh relief when I catch a glimpse of a half gallon bottle tucked in the back behind the ketchup and the orange juice. Milk in hand I open the freezer, grab the ice tray and proceed to make myself a very strong trailer trash Khalua and milk, or ‘momma’s chocolate milk”.
Mind you, let me clarify something. I have not had an alcoholic beverage in probably two years. I am not opposed to alcohol in any way, I just don’t drink. I have three kids, and a full time job. My idea of a rowdy night is staying up until one am watching House or Fringe.
For me to make the conscious decision to fix myself an alcoholic beverage is a huge thing, monumental in fact. So yes, needless to say it has been a very long week and I am fairly frustrated.
I do actually have a blog topic this week, go figure. So here goes…
I am a creature of habit? Are you?
I never realized just habitual I am until recently. I have my little ‘schedule’ that I somewhat unconsciously adhere to every day. For example, on weekdays, I wake at 5:30 AM, shower dress and come down the stairs to my kitchen. I give the dogs each a cookie and then let them out into the back yard. The cats, or specifically one of the cats has already attempted to trip me at least three times by now and the other is meowing like a he is dying. I talk to them both telling them they are ridiculous.
I feed and water all of the animals, make my coffee, grab my purse, laptop bag, and briefcase. I let the dogs in the house and I am out the door. This is my ritual every morning, not really sure how it started but there it is.
I actually was completely unaware until I had a conversation one day about kids needing structure. Well I have come to the conclusion that as adults we need this as well, and that is how we do it. Our little habits, they provide reassurance, and familiarity that everyone needs. It is attached to an unconscious sense of security. When something diverts us from our normal routines, we do notice it. It may be minimal but it is there, we will feel off or like we forgot something.
Even with our writing we can be creatures of habit. Using the same pen or notebook every time we write notes, or needing to listen to a particular CD or artist to set us in the writing mood and get the juices flowing. A friend of mine has to do her dishes before she can write. Her sink has to be empty before she will write a word.
So take a minute and think about your little habits for writing or otherwise. It is a fun thing to examine, you end up seeing things about yourself you didn’t expect.
That is my rant for today, back to my Khalua!
APRIL 2011
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The Joys of Khalua
Reviewed by Amy J Romine
12:12 am

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