The AR Bizarro Read & Review Challenge | Prizes! -

The AR Bizarro Read & Review Challenge | Prizes!

Permission to use this picture was granted,  by our Spotlight Author, Jeremy C. Shipp.
Be sure to visit his website

The books I have read for this challenge - details of how to join below! 

1. As I was Cutting and Other Nastiness | L.V. Rautenbaumgrabner | New Pulp Press

As from today, I'm opening up another personal challenge to all.

First, what is Bizarro? (From Wiki)

Bizarro fiction is a contemporary literary genre noted for its focus on "high weirdness." The term was adopted in 2005 by the independent publishing companies Eraserhead Press, Raw Dog Screaming Press, and Afterbirth Books in response to the rising demand for unique and outlandish fiction. In the introduction to The Bizarro Starter Kit, Bizarro is described as "literature's equivalent to the cult section at the video store" and a genre that "strives not only to be strange, but fascinating, thought-provoking, and, above all, fun to read." According to Rose O'Keefe of Eraserhead Press: "Basically, if an audience enjoys a book or film primarily because of its weirdness, then it is Bizarro. Weirdness might not be the work's only appealing quality, but it is the major one."

While works of Bizarro may have literary merit, the primary focus of the genre is to entertain. In this respect, Bizarro has more in common with speculative fiction genres (such as science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) than with avant-garde movements (such as Dadaism and surrealism) that readers and critics often associate it with. Alternative to say the least!

Books by Bizarro authors have been awarded the World Fantasy Award, the Bram Stoker Award, the 3:AM Magazine Literary Awards, the Philip K. Dick Award, the Wonderland Book Award. They have also been made into live-action as well as animation movies.

I'm hooked! What are the rules? 
  1. Express your interest in joining this perpetual challenge by commenting on this page. Leave a link to to the page where you will list your books.
  2. Grab the above logo and stick it on your site and link back here: 
  3. Overlaps with other challenges are fine, as are books in any format -- eBook, print, audio etc. 
  4. Below is a list of some of the available books I have found on Amazon to get you started. Feel free to make your own list, or try out some recommended below.
  5. You do not have to list your books ahead of time. If you decide to, you can change them as you go.
  6. READ and REVIEW each book. Review can be as small or detailed as you like. Even if just says, "I could not get into this book!" 
  7. When you review please come back to leave your link here. 
  8. Reading the book before the date of this challenge's official opening (Friday 16th October 2009) is fine, but all reviews must be posted and published on or after this date.
  9. Did I mention there will be RANDOM PRIZES for those taking this seriously, sticking to the rules, and not reviewing every book as "I could not get into this book!" ??? Stay tuned!
  10. Although this blog is a group blog, and any reviewer can take part, I will not be awarding prizes to either staff, or other groups doing this as a joint effort. This must be a personal challenge with your own reviews posted to your own blog.
  11. Any additions will be addition here. That's all folks!

Where do I sign up? In the comments below.
Where do I add my review link? In the comments below, so we can come and visit your review.

Ideas for Bizarro books to get you started:
Angel Dust Apocalypse ~ Jeremy Robert Johnson
Blankety Blank ~ D. Harlan Wilson
Bust Down The Doors and Eat All The Chickens ~ A journal of absurd and surreal fiction
Dead Bitch Army ~ Andre Duza
Dr. Identity (Scikungfi Trilogy) ~ D. Harlan Wilson
House of Houses ~ Kevin L. Donihe
It Came from Below the Belt ~ Bradley Sands
Last Burn in Hell: Director's Cut ~ John Edward Lawson
Lemur ~ Tom Bradley
Meat Puppet Cabaret ~ Steve Beard
Mother Puncher ~ Gina Ranalli
My Landlady the Lobotomist ~ Eckhard Gerdes
Sausagey Santa  (Avant Punk Book Club) ~ Carlton Mellick III
Screams from a Dying World ~ David Agranoff
Shatnerquake ~ Jeff Burk
Sheep and Wolves ~ Jeremy C. Shipp
The Bizarro Starter Kit  (blue) ~ Anthology
The Overwhelming Urge ~ Anderson Prunty

I'm very interested in discovering new Bizarro Books, and new authors writing in this genre. Please contact me if you are a Bizarro author, or have a query pertaining to this challenge: Sassy dot Brit at gmail dot com -- Thank you! The "Inside Story" by Sassy Brit and her Gang!
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The AR Bizarro Read & Review Challenge | Prizes! The AR Bizarro Read & Review Challenge | Prizes! Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ on 12:35 pm Rating: 5


  1. Hi Sassy,

    I became interested in Bizarro because of Jeremy C. Shipp. The following are links to the two pieces I've written about this author's work:

  2. Thank you, Clayton,

    I will take a look! Very much appreciated.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :) Powered by Blogger.