AWARDS: LASR award voting is open -

AWARDS: LASR award voting is open

Happy New Year.

For those kind people who like to help out friends and group members
in polls with the occasional vote, I'd like to draw your attention to
the LASRs.

Insufficient Mating Material has been nominated as "Best Romance of
2007" in the long print category, but it's one of many Here's the
link, and the list of other friends who have been nommed. Please note
that you cannot return to the site to vote a second time. I'm not sure
how many votes you can cast on your first visit... so please know
who's there before you go!

The URL to the polling site is
BestLong Print Romance of 2007 Which of these books do you consider the
best print romance book of the year?

1080 Kiss by Angela Steed
A Miracle Through Time by Patti Shenberger
Almost Taken by Isabel Mere
Atlantis Awakening by Alyssa Day
Atlantis Rising by Alyssa Day
Cast in Stone by Kerry A. Jones
Dance With Deception by Tracy Goodwin
Digging Holes in Paradise by Karen Mihaljevich
Faery Special Romances by Jacquie Rogers
High Noon by Nora Roberts
In Her Bed by Deborah MacGillivray
Insufficient Mating Material by Rowena Cherry
Jaguar Legacy by Maureen Fisher
Lord of the Deep by Dawn Thompson
Ravenwood: Night's Salvation by Laurie Sorenson
Riding the Thunder by Deborah MacGillivray
Romeo vs. Juliet by Laura Hogg
The Daddy Spell by Patti Ann Colt
The Marsh Hawk by Dawn MacTavish
Thin Ice by Liana Laverentz
Touch of Texas by Tracy Garrett
Waiting for the Rain by M. Jean Pike

Rowena Cherry
Chess-inspired ("mating") titles. Gods from outer space. Sexy SFR.
Poking fun, (pun intended). Shameless word-play.

Insufficient Mating Material
Second Place winner, Fall N.O.R. Awards

CAPA Award nominee
LASR Award nominee

Sassy Brit

Sassy's Bio

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AWARDS: LASR award voting is open AWARDS: LASR award voting is open Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ on 6:24 am Rating: 5

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