Title: Taking It Personal
Author: Cheyenne McCray
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: BDSM
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date:
ISBN: 9781419909887
Length: Novella
Format: eBook
Sarah Fairland was a hard driven business woman that controlled everything her way. She had the perfect work environment, the best employees, the best home, and a well toned body. He worked out three times a week and expected the personal trainer would make her work to keep her body in tip top shape. But she also wanted him in her bed, and knew that in time she would get what she wanted.
Drew Bennett recognized the type of woman she was and wanted her his way. He caught all her hints but was absolutely sure that the only way he would have a relationship with her was on his terms, her complete submission to him. Getting her to give up control to him in all things sexual was going to be a challenge, but he was determined to win.
Dominance with tenderness is the basis of the story. Her passionate surrender all the sweeter. The concept of becoming stronger by submitting to his strength in their relationship is wonderfully written. The author has hit the mark on the internal dynamics of control and surrender. The lengthy sexual scenes which emphasis delayed gratification are compelling. I will be looking for more and would like to see some longer novels.
Reviewer: Aris
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REVIEW: Taking It Personal ~ Cheyenne McCray
Reviewed by Aris
6:36 am
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