Title: Spin it Again: Devilish Games 2
Author: Red Garnier
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Erotica
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: July 2007
ISBN: 9781419910074
Length: Quickie
Format: eBook
David knew he was in trouble, he cheated on his fiancé. It was stupid a drunken game and it had gone wrong. Spin the Devil and take a dare, how could he know he would feel so bad, and loose so much. Now a year later he was the lowest he had ever been. He had to have another chance. The only thing to do was spin the devil again.
Evie was trying to get on with her life, something must have been wrong with her that led David to be unfaithful. Maybe she was not capable of holding on to a man, not sexy enough. She was finally going to forget him and go out and have a life, find someone who could give her pleasure. She just never imagined she would run into David while making out with another guy.
A sweet story of love thrown away and the desperation to get it back. When forgiveness is withheld all people suffer and especially in this case where David was at least honest after the fact and confessed immediately to his infidelity and begged for her forgiveness that very night. Would she ever relent and give him another chance?
Reviewer: Aris
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REVIEW: Spin it Again: Devilish Games 2~ Red Garnier~ Ellora's Cave
Reviewed by Aris
2:22 pm
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