197. Alternative UPDATE: On main 'Alternative-Read.com Website - Alternative-Read.com

197. Alternative UPDATE: On main 'Alternative-Read.com Website

So what have I been up to today? Apart from the usual, work and family daily rigmarole, that is?

I've updated the alternative-read.com site, and added that new FEATURE Page I have being going on about for ages. There's also an updated contact page, too.

Hmm! What else?

I've designed (and uploaded) a new SUBMISSION FORM. Authors, publishers and publicists can now upload their book review requests on site! Making the whole transition easier, I hope.

I know there is still room for improvement on the rest of the site, but with some more spit and polish I'll get there in the end. These things take time...

By the way, have you heard the new buzzword that's going around?


Well, you won't be hearing it again from me.

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197. Alternative UPDATE: On main 'Alternative-Read.com Website 197. Alternative UPDATE: On main 'Alternative-Read.com Website Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 9:44 pm Rating: 5

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Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :)

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