194. Alternative NEWS: The Blackgloom Bounty NEWS! - Alternative-Read.com

194. Alternative NEWS: The Blackgloom Bounty NEWS!

This is an email received from a member of our 'Alternative Read' Yahoo group. I have asked permission to forward this on to everyone here as it is great news, and we all love to hear how well our authors are doing in their chosen career!


I have to admit to a bit of pride in announcing not one but two pieces of good news concerning THE BLACKGLOOM BOUNTY. The first is a new review from FantasyBookSpot.com. If you'd like a peek, click on the direct link above. I will say in all modesty, it is a terrific review.

Any comments you may have are invited, both to me and for posting on the FBS forum pages. And yes, you can use your own website links in your postings, so it's a good way to get some traffic out of FBS.

Now, onto the BIG news. I just got an email from my publisher, Five Star, that Blackgloom is getting a 'starred' review in Publisher's Weekly on January 30th. I assume from the tenor of the email that this is a fairly unique thing. I know PW is one of the big four review places in the U.S. publishing realm, and from what I've learned today, a starred review means the book is also getting a very strong recommendation to buy. We shall see, I guess.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the news with you. Y'all have a great day. I know I will!

Jon Baxley
Author, THE BLACKGLOOM BOUNTY (in hard cover, April 2006)
Five Star Publishing & Thorndike Press
Imprints of Thomson Gale

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194. Alternative NEWS: The Blackgloom Bounty NEWS! 194. Alternative NEWS: The Blackgloom Bounty NEWS! Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 2:46 pm Rating: 5

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Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :)

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