191. Alternative LINK: Yahoo Web Beacons ~Watch you, watch out! - Alternative-Read.com

191. Alternative LINK: Yahoo Web Beacons ~Watch you, watch out!

If you belong to ANY Yahoo Group - be aware that Yahoo is now using "Web Beacons" to track the Internet navigation of every Yahoo user. It's similar to cookies, but allows Yahoo to record every website and every group you visit -ANYWHERE- on the Internet, even when you're not connected to Yahoo.

To stop this privacy invasive surveillance, go to Yahoo's updated privacy statement at: http://privacy.yahoo.com/privacy

About half-way down the page, in the section on cookies, you will see a link that says WEB BEACONS.

Click on the phrase "Web Beacons." On the page that opens, find a paragraph entitled "Outside the Yahoo Network."

In that section find a little "Click Here to Opt Out" link that will let you "opt-out" of their snooping. Be careful (!) NOT to click the button shown on the resulting 'You have opted out successfully' page. It is a "Cancel Opt-out" button that, if clicked, will UNDO the opt-out. Be warned!


Yahoo's monitoring -- and your ability to opt-out of it -- is NOT user-specific.

It is MACHINE -and- BROWSER specific.

***This means you will have to set the cookie to 'Opt-out' on -every- computer and -every- browser you use to access Yahoo and the rest of the Internet.

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191. Alternative LINK: Yahoo Web Beacons ~Watch you, watch out! 191. Alternative LINK: Yahoo Web Beacons ~Watch you, watch out! Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 7:36 pm Rating: 5

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