74. An Alternative VIEW: Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer ~ Jenna Glatzer ~ Momad Press - Alternative-Read.com

74. An Alternative VIEW: Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer ~ Jenna Glatzer ~ Momad Press

Title: Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer
Author: Jenna Glatzer
Publisher: Nomad Press
Genre: Non-Fiction / Writers self help manual
Publication date: 2004
ISBN: 0-9722026-5-X
Length: 228 pages
Edition: Paperback

Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer : How to Win Top Writing Assignments ~ Jenna Glatzer ~ Nomad Press

Advancing in the cutthroat business of freelancing is like shaving with a blunt razor – a long and arduous slog, full of nicks and potential hazards. When you can’t see your face (or legs) for the hair, reading this book is an absolute must, a point in the right direction (a clean shave) if you will.

Believe me, when I say there is an amazing amount of expert advice and information for both the fledging and advanced freelancer, which is not surprising when you hear the author, Jenna Glatzer’s credentials. She has written numerous articles for magazines, such as Prevention, Physical, Woman’s World, Woman’s Own, Contemporary Bride, ePregnancy, Home Business and Women’s Health and Fitness, and is a contributing editor at Writers Digest. She’s also a columnist for Match.com and MSN.com and an editor-in-chief for AbsoluteWrite.com. On top of all this, Jenna is currently compiling an anthology to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Click here to learn more about how you can participate. Phew! Did I tell you she has also many top selling books to her name? I don’t think I need to.

What I like about this book is the reader is taken through the whole process of how to win top writing assignments in a down-to-earth amusing way. We learn of the ups and downs of her experience, determination is the key and how to advance if you have ‘a little’ talent and lots of know-how. Jenna explains where and how to submit your work to your prospective editor and have him* drooling in anticipation of seeing your signature on that elusive contract.

But, it doesn’t stop there.

So, you have a contract, perhaps for a monthly or weekly column, or article spot in a magazine. So what? Unless you are extremely lucky or talented, I doubt this one job is going to make you rich enough to hand in your notice and leave the rat race. So, the big question is - how do you free yourself from the unrealistic demands of your current boss and make your dream a reality? Ms Glatzer says, if you want to go to work in your pyjamas and fluffy bunny slippers your kids bought, you have to know where to look for those killer assignments, find your area of expertise and pitch like a pro. And there’s more. Queries, reprints, contracts, interviews and freelancing jargon. Yes, it’s a jungle out there if you don’t know how to sharpen your tools and achieve a less hairy head start.

For an added bonus, you will be shown how to deal with all the above and perfect your ideas at your own pace with useful career planning exercises, which only take a few minutes a day.

Fancy owning a house by a lake, a boat, truck and your own gut-wrenchingly expensive health insurance? Oh yes, and have enough money left over to invest in real estate and plan for your retirement? Jenna did, and so could you, if you buy this book and listen to her recommendations.

From the mouth of Jenna, the freelancing expert, I quote, “If I can do it, you can, too.” So what are you waiting for? This is a motivating, uplifting book full of inside information, do’s and don’ts.

By the way, if you take one thing away from this review, please let it be this:
Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer : How to Win Top Writing Assignments can help you improve any writing assignments, not just article/column writing. What ever your chosen genre, fiction or non-fiction, if you wind up with a contract, sooner or later you'll need to speak to an editor. Think how helpful it would be if you had the handy advice of a professional guiding you every step of the way. With this book you have!

To sum up, Jenna Glatzer is here to smooth away those prickles, show you how lather up, sharpen your tools, and see through the fuzz. Your success is only one book away…

* Or her
74. An Alternative VIEW: Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer ~ Jenna Glatzer ~ Momad Press 74. An Alternative VIEW: Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer ~ Jenna Glatzer ~ Momad Press Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 9:58 pm Rating: 5

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