The world-renowned program offers writers classes--from the craft of writing to promoting one's writing--at several different venues and online. Howard-Johnson's seminar, Creating a Promotion Package for Your Fiction or Nonfiction Book, will be taught Sat. Aug. 7 on the UCLA campus. The class is based on the content of her book The Frugal Book Promoter: How To Do What Your Publisher Won't, winner of USA Book News Award for business books and the Irwin award, given by Book Publicists of Southern California for marketing campaigns.
The author has been and instructor for the Writers' Program since 2004. She has served as a publicist for all her own books (including her poetry chapbooks--the most difficult of all genres to promote), been a fashion publicist in New York City, done the marketing for her own chain of retail stores, and has worked in the publishing industry for Good Housekeeping Magazine and a variety of newspapers and trade publications.
may be reached at (HoJoNews@aol.com). Information
is also available at http://carolynhoward-johnson.com
and http://www.howtodoitfrugally.com
Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson
E-mail: HoJoNews@aol.com
Phone: 818-790-0502
For Immediate Release
Award-Winning Author
to Teach UCLA Class for Writers
Carolyn Howard-Johnson, the multi
award-winning author of more than a dozen books, will teach a one-day
seminar on book marketing for writers at UCLA Extension Writers'
Program this summer quarter.The world-renowned program offers writers classes--from the craft of writing to promoting one's writing--at several different venues and online. Howard-Johnson's seminar, Creating a Promotion Package for Your Fiction or Nonfiction Book, will be taught Sat. Aug. 7 on the UCLA campus. The class is based on the content of her book The Frugal Book Promoter: How To Do What Your Publisher Won't, winner of USA Book News Award for business books and the Irwin award, given by Book Publicists of Southern California for marketing campaigns.
The author has been and instructor for the Writers' Program since 2004. She has served as a publicist for all her own books (including her poetry chapbooks--the most difficult of all genres to promote), been a fashion publicist in New York City, done the marketing for her own chain of retail stores, and has worked in the publishing industry for Good Housekeeping Magazine and a variety of newspapers and trade publications.
Howard-Johnson was named Woman of the Year in
Arts and Entertainment by the 43rd and 44th
District of the California Legislature. Her fiction, nonfiction and
poems have appeared in national magazines, anthologies and review
journals. One of her poems recently won the Franklin Christoph prize.
She speaks on Utah's culture, tolerance and other subjects and has
appeared on TV and hundreds of radio stations nationwide.
For more information on
UCLA's Writers' Program or to request their quarterly extension catalog,
call (310) 825-9415. Sign up online at www.uclaextension.edu. The
registration number for the English 735.1 class is 76941.
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WIN The Path of Innocence by Megan Johns - Ends 15th July 2010
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PRESS RELEASE : Award-Winning Author to Teach UCLA Class for Writers
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
11:36 am

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