Picture borrowed from http://www.artshole.co.uk
For all you authors and aspiring writers out there, here is the third Sassy Sunday Story Starter, brought to you by our current Author in the Spotlight, Marion Webb-De Sisto. Thanks, Maz!
She picked up the faded photograph and stared at it. That was her mother, wearing a print frock and smiling happily, but who was the man standing next to her?
Maz. ^j^
As January 2010 draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to once more, thank Maz for being our AR Author in the Spotlight this month. It's been a pleasure to have you aboard! We love it when we discover new authors, don't we? I've certainly had my interest for crystals and crystal skulls piqued since reviewing two of Marion's non-fiction books!
If you'd like to have your prompt featured, please email me! I'd love to hear from you. If your contribution is picked, I'll even add your name and link to your website as a way of saying thanks! Oh, don't I spoil you? :) Oh, and if you are an author, your latest book cover, too.
How to use these prompts.
If anyone would like to try out a 'Flash Fiction' prompt - how about a 500 (very generous) word count limit? You can always post your link here and we'll come and visit your blog to read it!
Maybe you'd prefer just to use the picture, the prompt, or both, to inspire you to create a new, much longer, work in progress! The choice, as they say, is yours. Good luck and happy writing!
May the muse be with you!
*Jedi Sassy*
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Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
9:03 pm

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