Author: Alvania Scarborough
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Romantica/Erotica/Romantic Suspense
Publication Date: September 2008
ISBN: 9781419918025
Length: Plus Novel
Format: eBook
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Everybody has dreams, but not everyone has visions of murder; especially their own. Having been scoffed at for reporting her visions,yet having them turn out true, Kalesia Brannigan has at last found someone willing to listen and even recommend someone to help her. She just wasn't expecting the someone to make her body throb and her heart yearn for things she knows aren't likely.
Having become intimately enmeshed within the kinds of dreams that rend the soul and scar the heart, Gabriel Steele has no intention of allowing anything or anyone to hurt this feisty, red-headed woman who's brought light into the depths of the darkness of his soul. He just wasn't ready for the effect she has on every male who comes within range of her giving heart.
What happens when two souls collide? Wonderful, passionate, hurtful, confusing, steamy things that cause no end of frustrating, conflicting, antagonistic meetings of the bodies and minds of individuals who no longer know how to relate to or trust other human beings. Kalesia was an inspiration in some ways, a warning in others, while Gabriel was the tormented male fraught with so many horrors he's forgotten how to live. The interaction of these two people learning to
do the one thing abused or humiliated individuals fear most- to trust- was in itself a story, but interwoven throughout this mystery of a murder yet to happen it becomes a foundation as well.
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Interesting cover there lol