First, just to give you a grin, here is one of my favorite quotes of all time. It's from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832).
If I love you, what business is it of yours?
Now, on to my good news…My Regency Christmas novella, Christmas Mishaps, has a release date! It should be coming out from Cerridwen Press http://www.cerridwenpress.com/ on December 4, 2008, as part of the Cotillion Country Christmas anthology. This story is for all of us who have ever tried to do the right thing, only to botch it up, time-and-time again. Needless to say, as a person with two left feet PLUS two left hands, this particular theme is near and dear to my heart.
I don't have a date yet for my Regency short story, Outrageous Behavior, coming from The Wild Rose Press,
176_138&products_id=809 but I'm hoping it will be soon. I have a lovely cover already! I'll give you information about it as soon I have the news.
Writing shorter works has been a blast, and as a reader, I'm finding them a great—and inexpensive—way to get to know an author. I'm so happy that The Wild Rose Press is enabling authors to produce works of any length.
Finally, here is another small sampling from my Regency Romantic Mystery: I BID ONE AMERICAN.
Author: Amy Corwin
Genre: Regency romantic mystery
Rating: PG
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
ISBN: 1-60154-234-8
For those readers with Kindles, I BID ONE AMERICAN
ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1220919643&sr=8-1 is also available from Amazon.com as a Kindle book download.
I BID ONE AMERICAN: "An American heiress nobody wants; a duke every woman desires; and a murder no one expects…"
Excerpt — In this scene, the body is found…
"Your Grace, over here," another man said, crouching next to a pale form. White silken skirts edged in black billowed over the damp grass, fluttering in the light breeze. "I'm afraid they're right. She is dead."
"Is that you, Jackson?" Nathaniel bent to peer over the man's shoulder.
"Yes, Your Grace." Lord Jackson eased the body over, exposing a woman's white face. "It's Lady Anne."
Her black eyes were open, staring up at the haloed moon. The mists swirling over the grass left her pale skin dewy with moisture and clung to her lashes in large droplets. While Nathaniel watched, a bead of water rolled down her cheek like a final tear falling from her wide eyes.
Kneeling on one knee, he reached out and closed the dark eyes. With gentle fingers, he wiped the moisture off her cheeks. Her flesh still felt soft and faintly warm although he could already feel the change. He stood, wiping the dirt and leaves from his breeches.
Then he remembered the walk he had taken earlier, before meeting Miss Haywood for the first time.
"Oh, God!" he murmured bitterly as a sense of responsibility for Lady Anne's death hit him.
He had heard Lady Anne calling to him, asking him to wait while he strolled down the cool, dark paths. She had been one of his most ardent and determined pursuers, made more persistent by his foolish actions this evening. He had lost count and danced with her three times tonight. A stupid, thoughtless action he regretted as soon as he realized it. Then he had compounded the error by fetching her a glass of punch and escorting her to supper.
Even Lady Beatrice had noticed it. He had caught her frowning at him while they ate, although she soon covered the expression with a sweet smile.
He had excused himself immediately after the meal and gone out onto the terrace. When he heard Lady Anne calling to him, he bolted down the stairs into the gardens.
He should have waited for her like a gentleman instead of fleeing. And when he finally returned, he ran into Miss Haywood on the terrace. He had promptly forgotten Lady Anne.
It never occurred to him that he had not seen Lady Anne again.
Now he knew why.
PROMO: Good News and an excerpt from I BID ONE AMERICAN
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
5:14 am
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