Title: Chrysanthemum, Flowers of Camelot book 1
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com/
Genre: Light Bondage/Fantasy
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: May 2007
ISBN: 9781419911101
Length: Short Novel
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Being a virgin was something Chrysanthemum was trying very hard to overcome, but Gareth wasn't being very cooperative. He had this thing about tying her up and doing things his way until they were married. That is, if she doesn't end up being dragon fodder or ritual material before they make it to the priest.
Gareth is a son of King Arthur and way down on the list in line for ascension to the throne, but royal law states that in order to marry it must be to a virgin. In the land of Avalon that could be a problem. Now the Blue Knight has captured Arthur, that bloody dragon Percivalis demanding a virgin, and they're expecting Gareth to save the day? Not counting the fact his mom is out to take down the King, who's also his dad.
After all the movies I've seen of Arthur and the Round Table, I have to say this has become my new favorite tale all told. It has humor, wit, some especially good sex, but I have to say the inventiveness Ms. Cook has taken with a rather at times dreary tale to make itdeliciously wicked makes it a delightful read.
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