Title: Erin's Fancy, Awakening Desires 2
Author: N.J. Walters
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Contemporary
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: May 2005
ISBN: 1-4199-0196-6
Length: Plus Novel
Format: e-book
Erin Connors wanted to experience life. In a small town working the farm with two older brothers, Jackson and Nathan she was just one of the guys. Nobody ever noticed her. She had only had sex once on graduation night and that was a disaster. Reading a magazine listing the six best sexual positions she let her mind wander. It seemed to always be the face of Jackson's best friend Abel Garrett, which she imagined during these moments of fantasising, but dreams weren't enough when see found out he was back in town for the summer.
Abel was a writer of true crime stories. Since his parents had been brutally murdered he had investigated crimes and written the stories. He was getting burnt out, the last case had been the worst and he was ready to think about changing his life. Going home for a time to gather his wits and contemplate what he wanted in life he never imagined it would include his best friend's little sister Erin. After crashing after the long drive, waking up with her naked in his bed was certainly the last thing he expected.
What a way to take a chance in life. She had no way to know Abel would even accept her but stripping and crawling into bed in the middle of the morning with a sleeping almost stranger was certainly taking the initiative. Would her gamble pay off? Could he teach her a thing or two before moving on? Well, you will have to read it to find out.
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