Title: Craving Candy, Awakening Desires 4
Author: N.J. Walters
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Contemporary
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: December 2006
ISBN: 1-4199-0883-9
Length: Novel
Format: e-book
Back to the first book of the series we get more about Lucas and his love of sweets.
Lucas owned a coffee shop and did all the baking of sweet treats and pastries. He learned to cook when he was in prison for assaulting his father. Since his father was beating his mother at the time and had already broken her arm it was certainly justified, however the court did not see it that way and he had spent time in the joint.
That was behind him now but it never really went away and seemed to affect all his relationships. Surely that means that one day he would become like the man who had abused, it was only a matter of time?
Candy (Candace) Logan was trying to be a professional; no one took herseriously with a name like Candy. Since being promoted to publicist recently for the publishing firm she had to make this account work and she was having trouble getting the author of the cookbook to even return her calls. She was desperate and decided to crash the pre opening party at the coffee shop that had just moved to its new location. Since she didn't see the owner around and was told he had left she let the good looking bad-boy show her around. Little did she know it was Lucas himself and now she was in deeper than she thought.
How to correct a bad first impression comes to mind with this story. Candy had already formed an opinion of Lucas which need to be changed in a hurry, and Lucas's opinion of Candy on hearing her name was certainly not the same as the Candace that had been badgering him for week about promoting his book. This would take some sweetening up and Lucas was the man for the job. The was a fun story and it is good to hear more of Katie and Cain. Thanks N.J.
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Thanks for the wonderful review for Craving Candy, as well as the first three books in the Awakening Desires series. So glad you enjoyed them. :-)
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