REVIEW: Call of the Lycan 2: Call of the Untamed, by Michelle M. Pillow from Ellora's Cave -

REVIEW: Call of the Lycan 2: Call of the Untamed, by Michelle M. Pillow from Ellora's Cave

Title: Call of the Lycan 2: Call of the Untamed
Author: Michelle M. Pillow
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher:
Genre: Werewolf
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: January 2007
ISBN: 9781419907357
Length: Novella
Format: e-book

Part of the Call of the Lycan series.

Natasha Abbey is an etiquette teacher hired to give Roark O'Connell lessons. Can a Farfadet cursed to live as a human show a man who likes living as a wolf how to behave as expected of the wealthy? Her job may be harder than she thought since her attraction to him keeps her mind in a bit of a muddle.

Roark O'Connell is the youngest of the three heirs to the Lycan King and least likely to inherent that throne. Finding himself faced with a woman paid to turn him into a "person of quality", he instead finds his heart stolen by a slip of a woman who isn't really human; though he isn't aware of that fact.

What can a Farfadet who lives in frozen seconds of time have in common with a man who turns into a howling wolf? Some of the steamiest sex and the strongest feelings of "mine" either have ever experienced. When Natasha marries Roark without his knowledge, a chain of events that's
been set in motion since they met comes to the boil. Now he has to decide if he loves her enough to rescue her before she's literally eaten. There is some wonderful humor throughout this which shows a touch of all of life's foibles. I found it overall a sweet read.

"The Inside Story" as told by Sassy Brit and her Gang!
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REVIEW: Call of the Lycan 2: Call of the Untamed, by Michelle M. Pillow from Ellora's Cave REVIEW: Call of the Lycan 2:  Call of the Untamed, by Michelle M. Pillow from Ellora's Cave Reviewed by WitchGiggles on 6:58 am Rating: 5

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