Title: Taliff’s Cure
Author: Bonnie Rose Leigh
Website of Author: http://www.mybonnierose.net
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Website of Publisher: www.extasybooks.com
Genre: Science Fiction/Shapeshifter/Fantasy
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 1-55410-762-8
Length: 218 pages
Format: e-book
A Refreshing read in an science-fiction story romance.
The people of Chantrea were desperate. Their numbers were dwindling the females not being able to give birth to girls for some reason. They had to try to track down a ship that had gone missing during a long ago voyage to see if there were any survivors or descends living on other planets.
Taliff the King’s brother was sent into deep space to find these women and convince them to return home, or kidnap them if necessary. After collecting a ship full of women and finally finding the one that was his mate, the journey home began. There evidently were some on his planet that did not want his mission to succeed and they were attacked and tricked no less than three times. Expecting to train her in the subservient ways of the women of his planet he learned much about the woman who was his mate and was continually surprised by her strength and leadership abilities.
The story has a wonderful romance at it core, with the hero looking for the perfect mate. The twist is that she is more heroin than damsel in distress. The sex is wonderfully touching in its simplicity. The dominate role of the commander as he begins to take control of his mate during the initial bonding is in direct counterpoint to his surrender to her in the female portion of the mating ritual, where she is in total control and tortures him with tenderness.
It is well written with many unexpected twists around the core of the story. This is refreshing in a genre where everything is the same. I look forward to hearing more from the royal family of Chantera. There has to be at least one more, since there is an unmated brother, and a cliff-hanger ending.
Note from the Author:
Hi there. My name is Bonnie Rose Leigh and I've been writing since I was just a tyke. I live in a small town in Upstate, New York and spend most of my time on the computer either writing, or visiting with my friends. If I'm not busy on the computer, I spend my free time reading. It doesn't matter what genre the book is either, though I am partial to romance novels. If I'm not in my office, I can be found sprawled in a chair with a book clutched in my hand and a cup of cocoa sitting nearby.
Join me on MySpace at: www.myspace.com/bonnieroseleigh. I would love to hear from each and every one of you. Make sure you subscribe to my blog as I'll be updating it regularly with release dates, excerpts and online appearances.
And, as always, feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions, concerns or just want to chat, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Bonnie Rose Leigh
Bonnie @ mybonnierose.net
Reviewed by Aris
Alternative-Read.com Reviewer
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Author: Bonnie Rose Leigh
Website of Author: http://www.mybonnierose.net
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Website of Publisher: www.extasybooks.com
Genre: Science Fiction/Shapeshifter/Fantasy
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 1-55410-762-8
Length: 218 pages
Format: e-book
A Refreshing read in an science-fiction story romance.
The people of Chantrea were desperate. Their numbers were dwindling the females not being able to give birth to girls for some reason. They had to try to track down a ship that had gone missing during a long ago voyage to see if there were any survivors or descends living on other planets.
Taliff the King’s brother was sent into deep space to find these women and convince them to return home, or kidnap them if necessary. After collecting a ship full of women and finally finding the one that was his mate, the journey home began. There evidently were some on his planet that did not want his mission to succeed and they were attacked and tricked no less than three times. Expecting to train her in the subservient ways of the women of his planet he learned much about the woman who was his mate and was continually surprised by her strength and leadership abilities.
The story has a wonderful romance at it core, with the hero looking for the perfect mate. The twist is that she is more heroin than damsel in distress. The sex is wonderfully touching in its simplicity. The dominate role of the commander as he begins to take control of his mate during the initial bonding is in direct counterpoint to his surrender to her in the female portion of the mating ritual, where she is in total control and tortures him with tenderness.
It is well written with many unexpected twists around the core of the story. This is refreshing in a genre where everything is the same. I look forward to hearing more from the royal family of Chantera. There has to be at least one more, since there is an unmated brother, and a cliff-hanger ending.
Note from the Author:
Hi there. My name is Bonnie Rose Leigh and I've been writing since I was just a tyke. I live in a small town in Upstate, New York and spend most of my time on the computer either writing, or visiting with my friends. If I'm not busy on the computer, I spend my free time reading. It doesn't matter what genre the book is either, though I am partial to romance novels. If I'm not in my office, I can be found sprawled in a chair with a book clutched in my hand and a cup of cocoa sitting nearby.
Join me on MySpace at: www.myspace.com/bonnieroseleigh. I would love to hear from each and every one of you. Make sure you subscribe to my blog as I'll be updating it regularly with release dates, excerpts and online appearances.
And, as always, feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions, concerns or just want to chat, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Bonnie Rose Leigh
Bonnie @ mybonnierose.net
Reviewed by Aris
Alternative-Read.com Reviewer
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598. REVIEW: Taliff’s Cure ~ Bonnie Rose Leigh ~ eXtasy Books
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
4:38 pm
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