James Cameron’s Cave Findings Confirm the Jesus Myth Exposed in Two Dandelion Books - It’s All about Control: The God, Jesus and ET Coverup Conspiracies, by Tony Stubbs and Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies, by The Heyeokah Guru
Dandelion Digs Up the Truth Once Again in Two Blockbuster Books about the Jesus Conspiracy
TEMPE, AZ, February 26, 2007 - Dandelion Books www.dandelionbooks.net. . . Authors Tony Stubbs and The Hayeokah Guru (a pseudonym for a British writer) got it right after all. Cited as an “earthshaking announcement of historic proportions” at a Monday, February 26 news conference, film producer James Cameron announced the discovery of the Tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family members with their ossuaries or “bone boxes,” located in a section of Jerusalem underneath an apartment building.
In It’s All about Control: The God, Jesus and ET Coverup
Conspiracies, Stubbs writes: “For the last 3,000 years, we’ve been hoaxed, conned and bamboozled by three masterful conspiracies designed to control us and rob us of our personal power. One of these conspiracies is The Jesus Myth, that tells us we need a savior to forgive our sins, so the Church made one up and peddles that to us. In fact, you’re not sinner but a perfect part of the Source of All That Is, by which it studies itself.”
It’s All about Control: The God, Jesus and ET Coverup
Conspiracies (ISBN 1-893302-95-4), published by Dandelion Books www.dandelionbooks.net is available in the Dandelion bookstore http://www.dandelionbooks.net/bookstore2/cart.php?target=product&product_id=107&category_id=35 , Amazon.com and bookstores worldwide.
In Adam & Evil Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies, The Heyeokah Guru writes: “ ‘Jesus Christ’ is not a person but a mythological figure, and the Virgin Mary is the Planet Earth--not a young woman who never had sex. Heaven and Hell are right here! We create them ourselves.
The author traces the history of patriarchy and deliberate subjugation of woman. He reveals a truth already well-known in apolitical circles of higher learning that the Bible was written, and rewritten many times by humans, not God. It is also an accepted truth that the “Devil” is merely another name for human shortcomings, such as bigotry, jealousy and pride. In other words, for several centuries, the Christian public has successfully duped its constituents.
Adam & Evil Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies (ISBN 1-893302-94-6) www.dandelionbooks.net is available in the Dandelion bookstore http://www.dandelionbooks.net/bookstore2/cart.php?target=product&product_id=112&category_id=1 , Amazon.com and other bookstores worldwide.
Cameron’s explosive discovery is posted on several internet websites and blogs, including http://aoreport.com/mag/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=608&Ite, and http://www.rense.com/general75/TALES.HTM. Commentators and analysts are claiming “The Satanic end-Game is at Hand,” http://israelitybites.blogspot.com/2007/02/bones-of-jesus-son-uncovered-in.html, and James Cameron (plans) to Terminate Christianity http://www.cinemablend.com/new/James-Cameron-To-Terminate-Christianity-4562.html .
According to preliminary information, James Cameron’s Discovery Channel film documentary and ensuing book, “this discovery statistically has only a one in 10 million chance of being some other Jewish family than that of Jesus Christ. In other words, the book claims that this discovery is nearly absolute proof that Jesus not only existed, but that He never resurrected and ascended into heaven. It also then would reveal that Jesus married and had children, something never indicated in the Biblical texts. In other words, the book claims that this discovery is nearly absolute proof that Jesus not only existed, but that He never resurrected and ascended into heaven. It also then would reveal that Jesus married and had children, something never indicated in the Biblical texts. http://aoreport.com/mag/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=608&Ite
States Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, www.dandelionbooks.net :
All Dandelion Books are for sale at www.dandelionbooks.net
[Toll-free orders: 1-800-861-7899].
For more information, contact:
Carol Adler
1133 West Baseline Rd. – Ste. 178, Tempe, Arizona 85283
Fax – 866-787-1972
Note from Dandelion Books: If you receive this press release from a source other than Dandelion Books and you wish to be on our email list, kindly send us your email address. Thank you.
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Dandelion Digs Up the Truth Once Again in Two Blockbuster Books about the Jesus Conspiracy
TEMPE, AZ, February 26, 2007 - Dandelion Books www.dandelionbooks.net. . . Authors Tony Stubbs and The Hayeokah Guru (a pseudonym for a British writer) got it right after all. Cited as an “earthshaking announcement of historic proportions” at a Monday, February 26 news conference, film producer James Cameron announced the discovery of the Tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family members with their ossuaries or “bone boxes,” located in a section of Jerusalem underneath an apartment building.
In It’s All about Control: The God, Jesus and ET Coverup
Conspiracies, Stubbs writes: “For the last 3,000 years, we’ve been hoaxed, conned and bamboozled by three masterful conspiracies designed to control us and rob us of our personal power. One of these conspiracies is The Jesus Myth, that tells us we need a savior to forgive our sins, so the Church made one up and peddles that to us. In fact, you’re not sinner but a perfect part of the Source of All That Is, by which it studies itself.”
It’s All about Control: The God, Jesus and ET Coverup
Conspiracies (ISBN 1-893302-95-4), published by Dandelion Books www.dandelionbooks.net is available in the Dandelion bookstore http://www.dandelionbooks.net/bookstore2/cart.php?target=product&product_id=107&category_id=35 , Amazon.com and bookstores worldwide.
In Adam & Evil Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies, The Heyeokah Guru writes: “ ‘Jesus Christ’ is not a person but a mythological figure, and the Virgin Mary is the Planet Earth--not a young woman who never had sex. Heaven and Hell are right here! We create them ourselves.
The author traces the history of patriarchy and deliberate subjugation of woman. He reveals a truth already well-known in apolitical circles of higher learning that the Bible was written, and rewritten many times by humans, not God. It is also an accepted truth that the “Devil” is merely another name for human shortcomings, such as bigotry, jealousy and pride. In other words, for several centuries, the Christian public has successfully duped its constituents.
Adam & Evil Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies (ISBN 1-893302-94-6) www.dandelionbooks.net is available in the Dandelion bookstore http://www.dandelionbooks.net/bookstore2/cart.php?target=product&product_id=112&category_id=1 , Amazon.com and other bookstores worldwide.
Cameron’s explosive discovery is posted on several internet websites and blogs, including http://aoreport.com/mag/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=608&Ite, and http://www.rense.com/general75/TALES.HTM. Commentators and analysts are claiming “The Satanic end-Game is at Hand,” http://israelitybites.blogspot.com/2007/02/bones-of-jesus-son-uncovered-in.html, and James Cameron (plans) to Terminate Christianity http://www.cinemablend.com/new/James-Cameron-To-Terminate-Christianity-4562.html .
According to preliminary information, James Cameron’s Discovery Channel film documentary and ensuing book, “this discovery statistically has only a one in 10 million chance of being some other Jewish family than that of Jesus Christ. In other words, the book claims that this discovery is nearly absolute proof that Jesus not only existed, but that He never resurrected and ascended into heaven. It also then would reveal that Jesus married and had children, something never indicated in the Biblical texts. In other words, the book claims that this discovery is nearly absolute proof that Jesus not only existed, but that He never resurrected and ascended into heaven. It also then would reveal that Jesus married and had children, something never indicated in the Biblical texts. http://aoreport.com/mag/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=608&Ite
States Carol Adler, President of Dandelion Books, www.dandelionbooks.net :
“Dandelion’s mission as a publisher is to seek and find the truth and then deliver a wakeup call to the public. If that truth is painful, all the more reason to dig deeper to determine what causes denial and determination to support religious myths and other false information. Often without our knowing it, religion serves as our greatest enabler for keeping the blame game going.”
All Dandelion Books are for sale at www.dandelionbooks.net
[Toll-free orders: 1-800-861-7899].
For more information, contact:
Carol Adler
1133 West Baseline Rd. – Ste. 178, Tempe, Arizona 85283
Fax – 866-787-1972
Note from Dandelion Books: If you receive this press release from a source other than Dandelion Books and you wish to be on our email list, kindly send us your email address. Thank you.
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459. Breaking News From Dandelion Books! Adam & Evil Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
6:35 pm
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