Title: The Embroidered Corpse
Author: Brian Kavanagh
Website of Author: http://beekayvic.tripod.com
Publisher: BeWrite Books
Website of Publisher: http://www.bewrite.net
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Publication Date: 2006
Length: Ebook is 234 pages
Format: Paperback, Ebook
On a return trip from an antiques fair, Belinda Lawrence and her friend, Hazel Whitby, stop at a pub for food and drink. They hear of Kidbrooke House and the nice antiques there. When they go to check it out, the owner of the house takes them on a tour. Belinda spies a framed tapesty and asks about it after which the man puts it in a drawer thereby ending discussion. After the man's death, the tapestry turns up in the Jacobean cabinet Hazel buys for her shop.
Thus begins a mystery involving what seems to be a section of the original Bayeux Tapestry which tells the story of the Invasion of William the Conqueror in England within its embroidery stitches. Not only had Belinda craved the framed section of tapestry, but others also wanted it. After two murders and the disappearance of her piece of tapestry, Belinda becomes embroiled in slowly piecing together the mystery of the pictures embroidered on the tapestry and the religious items shown in the border. The deeper she delves, the more danger enfolds her. What is the mystery of the pictures depicted in the tapestry in Belinda's possession? Who is responsible for its disappearance? Why is someone willing to commit murder to get the piece that Belinda no longer had? Weren't all the stories told concerning the incidents depicted by the original Bayeux Tapestry nothing but legends? The key is centered in The Embroidered Corpse on the tapestry.
I love Belinda Lawrence. She's feisty and takes her gut instincts seriously and she won’t stop till she gets the truth. Hazel Whitby is a whole new can of troubles. She's pitiable and selfish, yet one understands why when her actions, or reactions perhaps I should say, toward younger men are displayed. Human nature being what it is, refuses to accept getting old gracefully. For a short moment, I thought Mark was going to let Belinda down when she requested his help in detecting clues, then he was up and running once his teeth locked on to the mystery and supported her almost with his life.
This review would not be complete without saying how much the history of the real Bayeux Tapestry and England had to do with making the story more realistic and interesting. A great set of characters as well as a wonderful setting has turned The Embroidered Corpse into a book worth the time spent to read it.
The Embroidered Corpse is a sequel to Brian Kavanagh's book Capable of Murder and he's about to release the third book in the Belinda Lawrence Mysteries.
Brian Kavanagh has many years' experience in the Australian Film Industry in areas of production, direction, editing and writing. His editing credits include The Chant Of Jimmie Blacksmith, Odd Angry Shot, The Devil's Playground, Long Weekend, Sex Is A Four-Letter Word and the recent comedy, Dags. More information can be found at http://www.bewrite.net/authors/brian_kavanagh.htm
You can even watch ‘Belinda’ and the others tell a little about themselves at these URLs:
Video Book Trailers
Video Book Trailer link 2
Enjoyable, cozy reading.
Lucille P Robinson
Alternative-Read.com Reviewer
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Author: Brian Kavanagh
Website of Author: http://beekayvic.tripod.com
Publisher: BeWrite Books
Website of Publisher: http://www.bewrite.net
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Publication Date: 2006
Length: Ebook is 234 pages
Format: Paperback, Ebook
On a return trip from an antiques fair, Belinda Lawrence and her friend, Hazel Whitby, stop at a pub for food and drink. They hear of Kidbrooke House and the nice antiques there. When they go to check it out, the owner of the house takes them on a tour. Belinda spies a framed tapesty and asks about it after which the man puts it in a drawer thereby ending discussion. After the man's death, the tapestry turns up in the Jacobean cabinet Hazel buys for her shop.
Thus begins a mystery involving what seems to be a section of the original Bayeux Tapestry which tells the story of the Invasion of William the Conqueror in England within its embroidery stitches. Not only had Belinda craved the framed section of tapestry, but others also wanted it. After two murders and the disappearance of her piece of tapestry, Belinda becomes embroiled in slowly piecing together the mystery of the pictures embroidered on the tapestry and the religious items shown in the border. The deeper she delves, the more danger enfolds her. What is the mystery of the pictures depicted in the tapestry in Belinda's possession? Who is responsible for its disappearance? Why is someone willing to commit murder to get the piece that Belinda no longer had? Weren't all the stories told concerning the incidents depicted by the original Bayeux Tapestry nothing but legends? The key is centered in The Embroidered Corpse on the tapestry.
I love Belinda Lawrence. She's feisty and takes her gut instincts seriously and she won’t stop till she gets the truth. Hazel Whitby is a whole new can of troubles. She's pitiable and selfish, yet one understands why when her actions, or reactions perhaps I should say, toward younger men are displayed. Human nature being what it is, refuses to accept getting old gracefully. For a short moment, I thought Mark was going to let Belinda down when she requested his help in detecting clues, then he was up and running once his teeth locked on to the mystery and supported her almost with his life.
This review would not be complete without saying how much the history of the real Bayeux Tapestry and England had to do with making the story more realistic and interesting. A great set of characters as well as a wonderful setting has turned The Embroidered Corpse into a book worth the time spent to read it.
The Embroidered Corpse is a sequel to Brian Kavanagh's book Capable of Murder and he's about to release the third book in the Belinda Lawrence Mysteries.
Brian Kavanagh has many years' experience in the Australian Film Industry in areas of production, direction, editing and writing. His editing credits include The Chant Of Jimmie Blacksmith, Odd Angry Shot, The Devil's Playground, Long Weekend, Sex Is A Four-Letter Word and the recent comedy, Dags. More information can be found at http://www.bewrite.net/authors/brian_kavanagh.htm
You can even watch ‘Belinda’ and the others tell a little about themselves at these URLs:
Video Book Trailers
Video Book Trailer link 2
Enjoyable, cozy reading.
Lucille P Robinson
Alternative-Read.com Reviewer
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Brian Kavanagh,
The Embroidered Corpse,
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410. Alternative READ: The Embroidered Corpse ~ Brian Kavanagh ~ Reviewed by Lucille
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
5:42 pm
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