409. Alternative AUTHOR NEWS: For Francis Ray Fans - Alternative-Read.com

409. Alternative AUTHOR NEWS: For Francis Ray Fans

Dear Readers,

I can't believe it's December already. 2006 was a great year thanks to you, and 2007 promises to be even better. First up in January is the reissue of SOMEONE TO LOVE ME and YOU AND NO OTHER. The books will have a wonderful easy-on-the budget/gift-giving price of just $3.99. What's enticing about the reissue besides the price is that the books will have the prologue of my February mainstream, IN ANOTHER MAN'S BED.

Justine Crandall has a difficult decision to make: should she disconnect her adulterous husband from life support because it's the humane thing to do or because she can't look at him without hurting and remembering his betrayal. In the meantime, an old love reappears, pitting her heart against her conscience, and making the decision even more difficult. Justine finds she must choose.

What would you do in Justine's place? I'd love to 'meet' with book clubs who have read IN ANOTHER MAN'S BED via a conference call. Please contact the

literaryservice@thegrits.com to set up the call. If you're not in a book club and want to 'talk' please Email me and I'll answer. I'm thrilled to say that IN ANOTHER MAN'S BED will be a Main/Featured Selection in Black Expressions. I'll also tour a bit in February. Please watch my web site for dates/cities.

Following in March is IRRESISTIBLE YOU, the 4th book in the Graysons of New Mexico Series. As you can see the cover is gorgeous. Pierce Grayson is the playboy of the Grayson men, but he might have met his match in Broadway actress Sabra Raineau. She is in Santa Fe helping Ruth, Pierce's mother, with a production at the college. Sabra is temptation personified and Pierce isn't in the habit of resisting temptation. This time he might just have to. With Hollywood calling, Sabra has no time for romance. Still, the closer she gets to Pierce, the harder it is to deny him-and to keep a secret that might tear them apart.

There is good news on another front. Many of you have asked about books on tape. I'm pleased to let you know that Recorded Books is going to produce DREAMING OF YOU and IRRESISTIBLE YOU. They should be out within a year.

Well, back to writing. I want to keep on schedule for 2008. Thankfully, one of the projects is finished

Take care and hugs,



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409. Alternative AUTHOR NEWS: For Francis Ray Fans 409. Alternative AUTHOR NEWS: For Francis Ray Fans Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 1:45 pm Rating: 5

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