232. Alternative LINK: Sentence-Combining Skills - Alternative-Read.com

232. Alternative LINK: Sentence-Combining Skills

Sentence-Combining Skills

A sensible site full of useful information about combining sentences the 'official' way!

My Daily Random Question:

Who do you look up to?

The Happiness Manifesto:

Today I'm grateful for:

1. Being alive and full of the joys of spring!

2. Knowing my friends are around at the most important times.

3. Eating crispy bacon sandwiches.

4. Looking forward to tomorrow.

5. Watching a good film on telly and not nit-picking about the plot! LOL (I don't know about you but I can't help analysing just books, I usually have to extend this to films I watch, too!)

What else is in the THE HAPPINESS MANIFESTO?

1. Plant something and keep it alive.
2. Count your blessings — think of at least five —
at the end of every day.
3. Have an hour-long uninterrupted conversation
with your partner each week.
4. Telephone a friend.
5. Give yourself a regular treat.
6. Have a good laugh each day.
7. Take regular exercise.
8. Smile at strangers, or talk to them.
9. Cut your television viewing by half.
10. Perform an act of kindness every day.

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232. Alternative LINK: Sentence-Combining Skills 232. Alternative LINK: Sentence-Combining Skills Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 5:22 pm Rating: 5

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Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :)

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