Interview with Mark D. Crutcher, author of CHECKMATE: The Games Men Play ~ Literally Speaking Publishing House.
By Tracy-Jane Newton

TJN: Hello Mark and welcome! It’s great to have you here. Thanks for taking the time out to do this.
MDC: I am glad to be here and thank you for inviting me.
TJN: I have lots of questions to ask, so let’s jump straight in! How would you describe your book in one sentence?
MDC: CHECKMATE: The Games Men Play encourages women to start thinking beyond their normal perception of reality and start searching for the true meaning behind a man's action and words.
TJN: Mark, in order to get a sense of who you were before you were jilted at the altar, please can you give our readers an example of a PLAYER’S behavior?
MDC: Players will maintain multiple uncommitted relationships with women to satisfy both their sexual appetite, as well as for financial gain.
TJN: I have to ask it, but, as a successful PLAYER what would you say gave you the biggest buzz?
MDC: Initially it was having several women at my disposal that I could call upon for sex. But then it turned into a controlling gratification. I enjoyed the sense of power over these women.
TJN: Explain your thoughts should this sound like a good idea to any men reading?
MDC:I know some men have purchased my book hoping to learn a few things about playing games with women. But I am hoping that men will see the underlining message that I learned. And that message is that what goes around comes around.
TJN: Were all your friends like you or did you feel you stood out from the crowd as a man experiencing something special?
MDC: All of my friends were like me and that’s how we were able to keep coming up with new ideas and or tricks. We would get together and share with each other the experiences that we found worked on women.
TJN: During your days as a PLAYER did you ever stop and think that maybe you were not treating women as you should be or was that all part of the fun?
MDC: I knew eventually that I would stop. I have always wanted to get married one day. But until then, I just focused on benefiting from the skills I learned.
TJN: Do you know of any underlying reason why you took the role of a PLAYER on?
MDC: It actually all started in my late teens, as I excelled as a high school basketball player. I found a sense of popularity and was placed in situations that exposed me to women like I had never been before. I really enjoyed the attention and the sexual gratification. There was no other underlying reason…I just liked how it all made me feel.
TJN: After you were jilted you obviously became a changed man, but was this easy? Forgive me for asking, but does a leopard ever change his spots?
MDC: It was very easy at first. Initially it required little effort from me because I just took things slowly and was cautious about what I was doing. But as the pain moves further and further away, I now find myself making more of a conscious effort. It takes more of me now. With any relationship, you have to make the decision to be the best person you can be. Once the decision has been made to do so, I think anyone can change old ways.
TJN: Where did you get the idea of writing a book of your experiences?
MDC: I have often heard people comment that their life would make a great book. After reading and reviewing some of the notes and passages I wrote, I began to think the same thing! I realized that the pain I was feeling was the same pain that I had heard so many women talk about. The pain of losing the game of love and not understanding why was just as real for me as it had been for them. This realization is what inspired me to put my thoughts together into my first literary work.
TJN: When you were working on your manuscript, I should imagine it opened up a lot of old wounds for you. Would you care to share your thoughts on this?
MDC: The hardest part for me was admitting to the thing I used to do. After seeing them on paper, I realized how terrible my actions were.
TJN: Do you have any fears that the women you hurt may read your book? What would you say to them?
MDC: I thought about that long and hard. But once my Dad accepted my book, I was more comfortable with releasing it all to the world. I start my book off with an apology to all the women I may have wronged in the past. I want them to know that they were not the ones that did anything wrong. It was all about me.
TJN: What would be the first and most important thing a woman should do, if she finds herself in the unfortunate position of CHECKMATE?
MDC: The first and hardest thing to do is to separate your emotions from the situation. I know that is easier said than done, but you have to accept the relationship for what it is and move on. You have to stop worrying about the “what ifs” and the “whys”?
TJN: Mark, have you found Mrs Right, yet?
MDC: I haven’t as of yet found Mrs. Right. However, I am sure that God is ordering my steps and will provide the right women when He decides the time is right.
TJN: What job did you do before you decided to give up work and write full time?
MDC: I have worked in the Human Resources field and directed the recruiting efforts of both corporations and government entities.
TJN: Besides being an author, I understand you are a playwright and a movie screenplay writer. Are you working on anything now that you can share with us?
MDC: I am working with a couple of directors in the Dallas area in developing both Checkmate and my next book into plays.
TJN: Where can we buy your book?
MDC: CHECKMATE: The Games Men Play is available in various bookstores and online retailers throughout the United States. Or it can be purchased from my official website,
TJN: One last question, if I may. How would you sum up your life now?
MDC: I am enjoying my life right now. I never would have thought I would be traveling the country and living my dream as an author.
TJN: Thank you for your time, and your honest, open replies! It's been a pleasure to talk with you, Mark. THANK YOU!
MDC: Thank you again for reviewing my book and giving me the opportunity to chat with you.
About Mark D. Crutcher
National best-selling author Mark D. Crutcher has a new outlook on life. Checkmate: The Games Men Play is an entertaining and tell-all book that is an insightful look at the dating process by providing uncut and uncensored access into the secret moves and hidden meanings behind a man's actions and words. A former player, gigolo and ladies’ man, Mr. Crutcher empowers readers through Checkmate as they learn the dating tricks and techniques men use to win women's hearts, souls, minds, and of course, their bodies. In a chess match, the objective is to place the opponent's king in an inescapable position on the game board. In the game that players play, the objective is to persuade women to maintain casual, uncommitted, sexual relationships with them. By the time women realize that a player's intentions are purely physical, it is too late. They are already addicted to the experiences they have shared and cannot or will not let go. CHECKMATE. Checkmate will have you looking beyond your normal perceptions of reality and seeing the true meaning behind a man's actions and words.
Professionally, Mr. Crutcher has been a corporate executive in the field of human resources for Fortune 500 companies, directing their recruiting efforts for the past eight years before pursuing his writing career full time. Born in Memphis, TN and currently residing in Desoto, TX, he is the parent of two loving children. Mr. Crutcher is also a playwright and movie screenplay writer.
Book Reviews
By Tracy-Jane Newton

TJN: Hello Mark and welcome! It’s great to have you here. Thanks for taking the time out to do this.
MDC: I am glad to be here and thank you for inviting me.
TJN: I have lots of questions to ask, so let’s jump straight in! How would you describe your book in one sentence?
MDC: CHECKMATE: The Games Men Play encourages women to start thinking beyond their normal perception of reality and start searching for the true meaning behind a man's action and words.
TJN: Mark, in order to get a sense of who you were before you were jilted at the altar, please can you give our readers an example of a PLAYER’S behavior?
MDC: Players will maintain multiple uncommitted relationships with women to satisfy both their sexual appetite, as well as for financial gain.
TJN: I have to ask it, but, as a successful PLAYER what would you say gave you the biggest buzz?
MDC: Initially it was having several women at my disposal that I could call upon for sex. But then it turned into a controlling gratification. I enjoyed the sense of power over these women.
TJN: Explain your thoughts should this sound like a good idea to any men reading?
MDC:I know some men have purchased my book hoping to learn a few things about playing games with women. But I am hoping that men will see the underlining message that I learned. And that message is that what goes around comes around.
TJN: Were all your friends like you or did you feel you stood out from the crowd as a man experiencing something special?
MDC: All of my friends were like me and that’s how we were able to keep coming up with new ideas and or tricks. We would get together and share with each other the experiences that we found worked on women.
TJN: During your days as a PLAYER did you ever stop and think that maybe you were not treating women as you should be or was that all part of the fun?
MDC: I knew eventually that I would stop. I have always wanted to get married one day. But until then, I just focused on benefiting from the skills I learned.
TJN: Do you know of any underlying reason why you took the role of a PLAYER on?
MDC: It actually all started in my late teens, as I excelled as a high school basketball player. I found a sense of popularity and was placed in situations that exposed me to women like I had never been before. I really enjoyed the attention and the sexual gratification. There was no other underlying reason…I just liked how it all made me feel.
TJN: After you were jilted you obviously became a changed man, but was this easy? Forgive me for asking, but does a leopard ever change his spots?
MDC: It was very easy at first. Initially it required little effort from me because I just took things slowly and was cautious about what I was doing. But as the pain moves further and further away, I now find myself making more of a conscious effort. It takes more of me now. With any relationship, you have to make the decision to be the best person you can be. Once the decision has been made to do so, I think anyone can change old ways.
TJN: Where did you get the idea of writing a book of your experiences?
MDC: I have often heard people comment that their life would make a great book. After reading and reviewing some of the notes and passages I wrote, I began to think the same thing! I realized that the pain I was feeling was the same pain that I had heard so many women talk about. The pain of losing the game of love and not understanding why was just as real for me as it had been for them. This realization is what inspired me to put my thoughts together into my first literary work.
TJN: When you were working on your manuscript, I should imagine it opened up a lot of old wounds for you. Would you care to share your thoughts on this?
MDC: The hardest part for me was admitting to the thing I used to do. After seeing them on paper, I realized how terrible my actions were.
TJN: Do you have any fears that the women you hurt may read your book? What would you say to them?
MDC: I thought about that long and hard. But once my Dad accepted my book, I was more comfortable with releasing it all to the world. I start my book off with an apology to all the women I may have wronged in the past. I want them to know that they were not the ones that did anything wrong. It was all about me.
TJN: What would be the first and most important thing a woman should do, if she finds herself in the unfortunate position of CHECKMATE?
MDC: The first and hardest thing to do is to separate your emotions from the situation. I know that is easier said than done, but you have to accept the relationship for what it is and move on. You have to stop worrying about the “what ifs” and the “whys”?
TJN: Mark, have you found Mrs Right, yet?
MDC: I haven’t as of yet found Mrs. Right. However, I am sure that God is ordering my steps and will provide the right women when He decides the time is right.
TJN: What job did you do before you decided to give up work and write full time?
MDC: I have worked in the Human Resources field and directed the recruiting efforts of both corporations and government entities.
TJN: Besides being an author, I understand you are a playwright and a movie screenplay writer. Are you working on anything now that you can share with us?
MDC: I am working with a couple of directors in the Dallas area in developing both Checkmate and my next book into plays.
TJN: Where can we buy your book?
MDC: CHECKMATE: The Games Men Play is available in various bookstores and online retailers throughout the United States. Or it can be purchased from my official website,
TJN: One last question, if I may. How would you sum up your life now?
MDC: I am enjoying my life right now. I never would have thought I would be traveling the country and living my dream as an author.
TJN: Thank you for your time, and your honest, open replies! It's been a pleasure to talk with you, Mark. THANK YOU!
MDC: Thank you again for reviewing my book and giving me the opportunity to chat with you.
About Mark D. Crutcher
National best-selling author Mark D. Crutcher has a new outlook on life. Checkmate: The Games Men Play is an entertaining and tell-all book that is an insightful look at the dating process by providing uncut and uncensored access into the secret moves and hidden meanings behind a man's actions and words. A former player, gigolo and ladies’ man, Mr. Crutcher empowers readers through Checkmate as they learn the dating tricks and techniques men use to win women's hearts, souls, minds, and of course, their bodies. In a chess match, the objective is to place the opponent's king in an inescapable position on the game board. In the game that players play, the objective is to persuade women to maintain casual, uncommitted, sexual relationships with them. By the time women realize that a player's intentions are purely physical, it is too late. They are already addicted to the experiences they have shared and cannot or will not let go. CHECKMATE. Checkmate will have you looking beyond your normal perceptions of reality and seeing the true meaning behind a man's actions and words.
Professionally, Mr. Crutcher has been a corporate executive in the field of human resources for Fortune 500 companies, directing their recruiting efforts for the past eight years before pursuing his writing career full time. Born in Memphis, TN and currently residing in Desoto, TX, he is the parent of two loving children. Mr. Crutcher is also a playwright and movie screenplay writer.
Book Reviews
159. Alternative INTERVIEW: Mark D Crutcher ~ Checkmate: The Games Men Play
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @
12:21 pm
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