31. Alternative READ: TCM ~ The Complete Being ~ Tami Brady - Alternative-Read.com

31. Alternative READ: TCM ~ The Complete Being ~ Tami Brady

Title: The Complete Being
Tami Brady
TCM Calgary
Genre: Non-fiction / Self-Help / Self-Actualisation / Inspirational
Publication date: July 2005
ISBN: 0-9738599-0-03
136 pages
Edition: eBook

The Complete Being ~ Tami Bradi

The complete Being should be on everyone’s virtual bookshelves.

We all yearn to be happy and content with life, fantasising how things would be if only we had more money, more time, better job, more confidence etc.But why should we settle for misery and stagnation? The Complete Being, is a resource and guide for individuals wanting to improve their life and reach their full potential in any or all of their mental, spiritual, emotional and physical aspects.

We are encouraged to explore further within each aspect and relate them to our individual way of life, current and past. Ms. Brady explains how a better understanding of how we think and behave is achieved by examining the significance of our common reactions and beliefs. Providing some useful examples and ideas to put into practice, we can implement strategies to help us to look into the future and work towards our goals and live our dreams!

According to inspirational author Tami Brady, the mental aspects of our lives are defined as knowledge (formal or informal training). Tami explains what this means, providing how to find resources needed to achieve our goals.

She then goes on to highlight how to understand the Spiritual aspects of our lives. This doesn’t mean changing your religious beliefs, or a need to convert to any sort of religion. The spiritual aspects are more about what you believe in and the values that make you the person you are; better known as beliefs systems.

Emotional aspects are far easier to describe. Our emotions often come from genetic inherited traits and learned behaviours (learned from your parents or your own experiences and environment). With the help of Ms. Brady, you will discover how to analysis these emotional aspects, hence pinpointing areas needing modification or improvements.

The physical aspects, includes but is not limited to, your physical makeup, body condition, body function and your physical health.

I particularly like the idea of journaling to help recognise particular habits, patterns and reoccurring inappropriate habits. I use a similar process of journal writing myself, although my idea slightly differs in that I just write want needs to come from within. This works in the same way, as getting things off your chest.Having a good moan on paper clears your mind allowing you to concentrate on the things that matter most in life, not sweat the small stuff, as they say. Ms. Brady takes this one step further, explaining how we can spot behaviour patterns from our scribbles.

I found myself submersed in this book, discovering it a true source of encouragement, that however overwhelming life becomes, we should stay aware of what we want, never forgetting where we come from or what our dreams are.

Although each step is clearly defined, I was surprised the text wasn’t broken up with a few diagrams or bullet points. Personally, I feel it would have just added that extra touch. But if it’s a new way of life you are after this is a trivial fact, and the message is still very clear ~

If you want something, go out and get it, with the help of Tami Brady and her enlightening book, of course! The complete Being should be on everyone’s virtual bookshelves.

Author’s Bio:

At seventeen years old, this mousy, small town girl (by her own admission) found herself pregnant with her first child. By twenty-two, she had moved to the city and bore three loving children, but had very little independence, confidence and self-esteem. There seemed no chance of ever reaching her most secret goals.

One day, she simply asked herself ‘why not?’

Suddenly, she realised that her answers to this question were merely fear, excuses, obstacles and challenges. Though it seemed as though her goals were overwhelming and unattainable, she realised that she owed it to herself and those that loved her to try.

Today, the author holds an M.A. in Archaeology and Heritage (earned with distinction form the University of Leicester, UK). Running her own archaeological consulting company, writing four regular columns, dozens of articles and ghost writing, it would seem she has found the very answer she has been searching for. Ms. Brady, has also recently been named the Dean of the School of Religion and Spirituality at Suite University, where she develops and instructs several online interest courses.

Leading by example,
I’m sure you’ll agree that Ms. Brady is an inspiration to us all!

Buy the book at these places:
Ebookad at http://www.ebookad.com/,
CyberRead at http://cyberread.com/, and TCM at http://tcm-ca.com/.

Ms. Brady's contact details:
Website : http://tcm-ca.com/trbrady.html
Email : trbrady@tcm-ca.com

Interview and competition to win this great book, available soon!

31. Alternative READ: TCM ~ The Complete Being ~ Tami Brady 31. Alternative READ: TCM ~ The Complete Being ~ Tami Brady Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 12:02 pm Rating: 5

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