Traffic….just the word makes me cringe! I purposely leave ultra early in the morning to beat it and also allow myself to leave by a certain time to avoid it on the way home. So I was thinking about this and honestly wondering why I loathe it so much. After all some of my best ideas have come while sitting in unyielding traffic. It gives me a chance to unwind or focus on what is waiting for me on the other end of the trip. It is ‘me’ time if I want it to be. My music, my silence, my thoughts. Think about it, seriously. It’s not like you are stuck in a room with a bunch of people you have to talk with.
Yeah there are people around but they are all off in their own little worlds as well. Doing the same thing you are. You would think that this would be something to look forward to, not loathe.
So I don’t get it.
I know how I feel about it, but it seems illogical to me and I am rarely that illogical (my husband just spit out his Vault). Alright I will concede there are times when traffic just…sucks. Like when you are running late. That just bites, but lets be honest…could you have left earlier? Yeah probably…so it really isn’t traffic’s fault.
What’s that old saying? ‘Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part’ Yep that is traffic’s motto.
It is what it is, right? There is nothing you can do to change it. Your boss will still be waiting to pound on you when you arrive late, or your significant other will be waiting to kick your ass because you were supposed to pick your daughter up from ballet forty-five minutes ago. You honking your horn, screaming and or getting all stressed out is not going to change that, unfortunately. So why not make the most of it? Have some paper and a pen in the car. Make a list of whatever…(perhaps what you’ll need for a romantic ‘I’m sorry’ dinner or a reminder that the boss prefers Glen Fiddich) or listen to your favorite CD REALLY LOUD. Call your Mom, or your grandmother. Setup doctors / dentist appointments. Heck you could even go so far as to buy an audio book to listen to and pass the time, you could even learn a language…seriously!
My point is, and this is really to myself…is that time is lacking. There don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. So instead of getting ticked off about traffic, use it to your advantage. It’s all about the spin…use it wisely and when you pull into your destination you may actually be a little more ahead of the game than when you left.
APRIL 2011
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Reviewed by Amy J Romine
6:02 am

Great article , Amy. Thank you! I totally agree with using that time doing something else. Like listening to book on ipod, etc.