Celestial Heat
Author: Ali Atwood
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 978-1-55487-488-0
Genre: Erotic Romance / Sci-fi
Format: eBook
Length: 153 pgs
Reviewed by Sassy Brit
The story begins with Beldir Trunvar, sorcerer and pro tem leader of the once mighty Zanutian clan, calling upon ancient guardians to give him the power to unlock the sacred gateway in an effort to harness the magical abilities of two cosmic mates, Feyna and Ketrick.
Feyna Sy Tordinay is a doctor and Ketrick is now known as Commander DeSardon of the Dragon-Class warship, The Stalker, on which Feyna is to work in a professional capacity as a clinical psychologist. Although it's instant attraction on both parts, feisty Feyna makes it clear that under no circumstances will she be messed about by anybody. Especially not a man who thinks he can just walk back into her life and take what he wants as and when he feels like it!
To make matters worse, Ketrick discovers this was not the first time they've met. As toddlers they were born from two ruling families, and during the Adbavalian invasion their parents thwarted the enemy by sending the children away to be raised anonymously on separate backwater planets.
Now the enemy has discovered their whereabouts and the two have no choice than to come together, literally, in an effort to harness their joint powers to save each others lives. Unfortunately, the job of telling Feyna this boils down to Commander Ketrick and right now she's in no mood to listen to anything he says! That she could refuse his advances, does not compute with the suave Commander. Until now.
A rocketing read! Feyna is no pushover when it comes to men and matters of the heart, which makes her the ideal match in this scorching love/hate relationship with the handsome Ketrick DeSardon and the heated sexual tension between them. For this reason I cruised through this book at top speed.
Ali Atwood is herself an entertaining writer, and Celestial Heat is a deftly written book, which weaves together space travel, an atmospheric sci-fi fantasy with a highly-sensual stormy relationship just waiting to be detonated like an onboard missile. Temperatures are rising in this tension-filled celestial, erotic romance. As for Ketrick, for someone so hot he's so cool!
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Author: Ali Atwood
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 978-1-55487-488-0
Genre: Erotic Romance / Sci-fi
Format: eBook
Length: 153 pgs
Reviewed by Sassy Brit
The story begins with Beldir Trunvar, sorcerer and pro tem leader of the once mighty Zanutian clan, calling upon ancient guardians to give him the power to unlock the sacred gateway in an effort to harness the magical abilities of two cosmic mates, Feyna and Ketrick.
Feyna Sy Tordinay is a doctor and Ketrick is now known as Commander DeSardon of the Dragon-Class warship, The Stalker, on which Feyna is to work in a professional capacity as a clinical psychologist. Although it's instant attraction on both parts, feisty Feyna makes it clear that under no circumstances will she be messed about by anybody. Especially not a man who thinks he can just walk back into her life and take what he wants as and when he feels like it!
To make matters worse, Ketrick discovers this was not the first time they've met. As toddlers they were born from two ruling families, and during the Adbavalian invasion their parents thwarted the enemy by sending the children away to be raised anonymously on separate backwater planets.
Now the enemy has discovered their whereabouts and the two have no choice than to come together, literally, in an effort to harness their joint powers to save each others lives. Unfortunately, the job of telling Feyna this boils down to Commander Ketrick and right now she's in no mood to listen to anything he says! That she could refuse his advances, does not compute with the suave Commander. Until now.
A rocketing read! Feyna is no pushover when it comes to men and matters of the heart, which makes her the ideal match in this scorching love/hate relationship with the handsome Ketrick DeSardon and the heated sexual tension between them. For this reason I cruised through this book at top speed.
Ali Atwood is herself an entertaining writer, and Celestial Heat is a deftly written book, which weaves together space travel, an atmospheric sci-fi fantasy with a highly-sensual stormy relationship just waiting to be detonated like an onboard missile. Temperatures are rising in this tension-filled celestial, erotic romance. As for Ketrick, for someone so hot he's so cool!
WIN Paranormal Romance by Teal Ceagh - Ends 24th June 2010
WIN The Path of Innocence by Megan Johns - Ends 15th July 2010
Alternative-Read.com: The "Inside Story" by Sassy Brit and her Gang! ~http://www.twibes.com/group/READERSandREVIEWERS~Chat and Promo Group~WHAT'S ON YOUR DESK WEDNESDAY? Book Blog Meme!~We are actively seeking staff!~FaceBook~LibraryThing~AmazonUK~GoodReads~ Technorati Categories:Book Review, FREE Books, Competition, Blog,Media, Press Release, Author,Podcast, Interview,Book News, Reviews,Reviewers, WitchGiggles, Aris, Lucille Perkins Robinson, Devlin O'Neill, Clayton Bye,Angelika Devlyn, Michael,Ella Blackhart, Bo Perkins,Giveaway,Yahoo Group, Guest Blog, Publisher, Newsletter, Stumbleupon, MySpace, Promo, alternative-read.com
REVIEW: Celestial Heat | Ali Atwood | eXtasy Books
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
8:35 pm

Cool, a bit of sci-fi fantasy would not be wrong
ReplyDeleteYou're not wrong there, Blodeuedd :)