TEASER TUESDAY: Thaw | Fiona Robyn - Alternative-Read.com

TEASER TUESDAY: Thaw | Fiona Robyn

Teaser Tuesday, a blog meme hosted by MizB on Should Be Reading.

Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page. Share the title & author of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser. Please avoid spoilers!

So here is my Teaser for Tuesday:

I'd be happy just lying on my back in the middle of a busy pavement, people stepping over me and cursing me for getting in their way. It does something strange to my senses, blunts them - like eating ice-cream when you have a cold. You're vaguely aware that you usually enjoy mint choc chip more, but you carry on eating it just the same.

Okay, that was three sneaky sentences.
Fiona Robyn
Pg 39

A fictional diary of a woman giving herself 92 days before she makes the decision of whether to live or not.

What's your Teaser?


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TEASER TUESDAY: Thaw | Fiona Robyn TEASER TUESDAY: Thaw | Fiona Robyn Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 12:24 pm Rating: 5


  1. Great teaser, fun cover. I will be looking into this book. Thanks for visiting my teaser. :)

  2. Thanks Jennifer, and you are welcome.

    Gosh, you are quick in replying!


  3. Anonymous12:59 pm

    Sounds interesting... can't decide if it sounds depressing or enlightening.

  4. Anonymous1:19 pm

    Now that is intriguing! I have read good reports of Fiona Robyn before, and now you have inspired me to set about tracking down her books. Thank you!

  5. Well, haven't read it all yet, but I am sure it's going to be both...but I could be wrong! :)

    Enjoying though!

  6. I'm am pleased Fleur -- It's always great to introduce and recommend someone to a new author!


  7. I'm definitely curious, sound like a very moving read!

  8. What a great teaser, that is so on my TBR list for 2010.
    Here is mine http://teawithmarce.blogspot.com/2009/10/teaser-tuesday.html

  9. Anonymous1:41 pm

    Great teaser - and the book sounds interesting.
    Here's mine

  10. I'm reading a book with the same kind of theme. Look forward to your thoughts on this one.

  11. Hi Marce! You are organised for 2010!

    Thanks for your comment.

  12. Ooh, that does sound intriguing! Love the book cover and book title, too!

    My tease: http://laurel-rain-snow.blogspot.com

  13. Thanks Allison, yes, I do like the cover too -- it gives the impression she is laying there thinking...and she struggles a lot with what is going on with her head, so it fits nicely.

  14. Anonymous2:03 pm

    Lying in the middle of a busy pavement may reduce the 92 days she may have to live! Nice tease.

  15. Oh wow, I wonder how the book ends. That's a great description. I'm going to have to look this book up.
    Great teaser! Here's mine.

  16. Sounds like an interesting read! I will have to check it out.

  17. That sounds really interesting - thanks for posting it!

    I've got a football teaser today! And a giveaway!

  18. Great teaser - love the analogy to eating ice cream with a cold - never thought about that. I've been wanting to read this book.

  19. Anonymous9:30 pm

    Great teaser! It reminds me of Radiohead's video for Just, with the guy who lays down on the sidewalk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIFLtNYI3Ls

    Here's my Teaser Tuesday.

  20. Great teaser! This sounds really good.

  21. Now that's intriguing...hope you're enjoying it.

  22. Wow, I like the teaser (and the book cover!). The little blurb sounds fascinating too. I can't say I do the ice cream while sick thing, but I'm a sucker for chocolate bars...

    Thanks for coming by my blog!

  23. Just remembered I have comment mod on now LOL So, I'm catching up with the new comments that come after I've thanked some of you!

    Thanks TeddyRee, Wellread books, Snowbell, Nise, Laurel-Rain, Bookbirddog, Andrea, Missy, Gautami,

    @Lisa, (ooh, football and a giveaway! Wonder if it's a football!

    @Crystal (I do love that analogy too!)and

    @Alitareads! I'm checking out the youtube vid now :)

    Hope I havent missed anyone out. Now, just noted there are more waiting. Pity it doesn't allow me to publish one comment at a time, with my reply straight after! -- instead of time order LOL

  24. Thanks, Yvonne, JoAnn and Celi.a! I'm checking out the youtube vid and then coming your way!

  25. Sounds like an awesome book! I'll have to add that to my list.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :)

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