FRIDAY FINDS & FILL-INS: 23Oct09 Dianne Castell & The ChildCatcher! -

FRIDAY FINDS & FILL-INS: 23Oct09 Dianne Castell & The ChildCatcher!

Friday Finds

I discovered this author while entering a competition to win some goodies!

Dianne Castell, Kensington BRAVA

Her latest book Hot and Irresistible pictured above is due out in the UK November 4th this year and it looks like a very HOT and fun read.
Visit her website here, where you can find out more about Dianne, sign up for her newsletter and also enter her competition for some cool goodies.

Hosted by Mizb17 !

What's your Friday Find?

Friday Fill-ins

Janet is the Host of Friday Fill-Ins.  All I have to do is fill in the gaps. My answers are in bold. we go!

1. The crickets sing, whereas I'd rather sit quietly and read since my singing leaves a little to be desired.

2. Come out! Come out! wherever you are. (Reminds me of the child catcher, in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for some odd reason). Did you know Ian Fleming wrote this? I've never read his original, non-hyped-up-like-the-film, version. Although, I always loved the film as a child. Now, this book is also on my Friday Finds too, because I'd love to read it. It's got gangsters, secret underground lairs, and of course a car with a mind of its own, that can swim and fly! GASP! I ask you, what more could you want?

3. I want to get far away from the reality of life, and escape into magical adventures of my next book!

4. I was once in charge of the CIA's top secret underground Forensic Science Department and outwitted some of the most notorious criminal minds ever known; this was a dream.

5. But as for me, I can't get enough chocolate to sustain my reading habits. Please send your donations to...

6. You don't know where I come from, and if I tell you I'd have to shoot you. It's CIA policy you know!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading, no surprise there, tomorrow my plans include join in with the 24-four-hour-read-a-thon, (link can be found in the sidebar on the right) and Sunday, I want to probably have a sleep!

What are your answers?
:) The "Inside Story" by Sassy Brit and her Gang! 
FRIDAY FINDS & FILL-INS: 23Oct09 Dianne Castell & The ChildCatcher! FRIDAY FINDS & FILL-INS: 23Oct09 Dianne Castell & The ChildCatcher! Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ on 11:34 am Rating: 5


  1. Anonymous11:47 am

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Anonymous12:40 pm

    Enjoy the read-a-thon - I'll be with you in spirit (at least while I'm not scoffing chocolate...)
    Here's my fill-ins

  3. Looks like a hot read :)
    Good find

  4. Ha! Snowbell, you really know how to rub it in! :)

    It sure does. Thanks Blodeuedd!

  5. Hi Sassy!
    Thanks for mentioning Hot and Irresistible.
    Love your site! Looks like we discovered each other.
    I was in London in April...what a treat! Took the train to Scotland, Stonehaven. Wonderful trip. Cannot wait to get back.
    Have a fun weekend.
    Hugs, Dianne

  6. Hi Dianne!

    You are very welcome, and thank you for popping by to say hello. Glad you had a good time in Scotland! Would you believe I've only been as far as Scotch Corner? LOL

    Have a good weekend, too!


  7. Great answers =D

  8. your answers are really fun! i like to read but i don't know if i can last the 24-hr-readathon:)

  9. It sure looks HOT!


    Here are my Friday Finds

  10. Love your dream! It's totally cool for dreaming like a top secret agent. :) Have a great weekend!

    Mariposa's Friday Fill-Ins

  11. marites -- I don't know if *I* can do it either, but hey, I'll try. I just know, however, I am going to be asleep on my keyboard before the 24 hours are out!

  12. gautami tripathy, it certainly does, Stanley. Oh, haven't watched Laurel and Hardy, in ages. Not sure where that (Stanley) came from either...

  13. Mariposa,

    Thank you! One day I may even tell you about my near death experience with the copycat killer...who I bombed, sliced and diced and then got handy with my day...if you are extremely unlucky!

  14. The book looks good! Good luck with the read-a-thon : )

  15. I love you answer for #3. I like how reading can bring you to whole new worlds

  16. I can relate to number 5. I'm a chocoholic too. Thanks for stopping by my site. Have a good weekend.

  17. Here's mine.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  18. Enjoyed your fill-in answers! I had no idea that Ian Fleming wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Will definitely have to read that one!

    Loved your dream, and agree that one can never get enough chocolate to sustain reading habits. :D

    Good luck with the readathon, and enjoy!

  19. hmmm i always thought a CIA agent is an exciting job! well, of course i wanna be with you in dreaming a europe tour! i wish i wish!

  20. Love the answers!

    Happy belated Friday Fill-In! :)


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